
Light in Jesus Christ

Victor Hugo, the famous European philosopher and writer, once said this: “The true division of humanity is between those who live in the light and those who live in darkness. Our aim must be to diminish the number of the latter and increase the number of the former.”

Thats a great goal, but then unfortunately Hugo continues with, “that is why we demand education and knowledge.” Education and knowledge were all for, of course, but they dont get you out of darkness into light – at least, not morally and spiritually.

This Christmas, Im reminded that true light cant be found in education or science or philosophy. True light is found only in Jesus Christ. Jesus says in John chapter 8, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

This Christmas, dont lean on your knowledge, or career, or education to enjoy the light of life. Those things are good, but they cannot bring lasting peace. Lasting peace and true life can be found only in Jesus Christ. Surrender to Him today and enjoy living in the light of Jesus Chris

Freedom from Sins

I have a friend in England named Jim Perry. Jim and his wife

Veronica are believers, and love the Lord Jesus. But it wasnt always that way.

Jim was into the occult for many years. At times he wanted to get out, but didnt know how. Jim was miserable, haunted by the things done at the satanic gatherings.

Then, Jim met Veronica, who was a serious follower of Jesus. Jim says that Veronica had a peace about her that he had been searching for for years.

So when Veronica invited Jim to hear me speak at a stadium in London, Jim accepted. That night, Jim heard about the forgiveness and love that Christ offers – even to the vilest offender as he called himself.

On his second visit, Jim decided to trust Jesus Christ as His Savior, and he finally received peace from God and liberation from demonic forces and perversions.

Jesus offers that same peace to you and me this Easter season. Because He rose from the grave and is alive today, He has the power to forgive and purify us and set us free. Theres no more guilt, no more shame.

Psalm 34:5 says “Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered in shame.”

If youve never opened your heart to Christ, I hope that youll do it this Easter season. Remember, Jesus Chris is alive, and He offers you complete peace with God. Isnt that what youre searching for?

The Good Samaritan

A Sunday School class was learning about the Good Samaritan. To make the story vivid to the children, teacher told the story in detail, describing how the Samaritan was beaten, robbed, then left for dead. Then she asked the class what they would do if they saw someone on the side of the road, beaten and all bloody. A little girl quietly replied, “I think I’d throw up.”