From Death to Life
Steve McQueen was a famous movie star in the 50s. He was also a crazy guy, a womanizer, a wild man in Hollywood. One day, years ago, Billy Graham told me that Steve McQueen called him up. He said, Mr. Graham, Im dying of cancer and I dont know God. Please come and talk with me. So Billy went to see him.
When Mr. Graham arrived, he said that Steve was just skin and bones. Steve told Billy, Ive had three wives and Ive fooled around with many women. Ive been unfaithful. Ive been a drunk. Can God forgive me?
Billy Graham explained Romans 10:9 to him: If you believe in your heart, and confess Jesus Christ with your lips, He comes into your life. Hell forgive you and give you eternal life. Then Mr. Graham led Steve in a prayer to open his heart to Jesus Christ. A few days later, Steve died.
What an impact his story must have had on the entertainment world! Im sure Steve McQueen is the last person many people imagined would convert to Christianity. But God is able to do “immeasurably more than anything we can ask or imagine.”
So dont give up on the person in your life who seems the furthest from the Lord. God can touch anyones heart, and He wants to use you and me in the process! Let God use you to win a soul for Him.