
Where and Why Should We Go?

I truly believe that God talks through mothers. In my youth, I was waiting for my personal call from God, that moment when the Lord would tell me that evangelism would be my lifes work. Finally, my exasperated mother reminded me that “the call” was made 2000 years ago, and that the Lord was just waiting for my answer. She was right as usual.

Dr. Bill Bright, the founder of Campus Crusade, once said that “an effective witness is someone who takes the initiative to present the claims of Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit- and leaves the results to God.”

As Christians, were all in the missions field. Some of us will travel to distant, often dangerous lands, but most of us will find people hungering for the Good News much closer to home. Either way, we stand in the gap, living out and proclaiming our faith and leaving the rest up to God.

The Apostle Paul was historys greatest missionary, taking the Gospel to much of the known world before planes, trains and automobiles. As he told the Corinthians, “we are speaking for Christ, as though God Himself were making his appeal through us.” That is our task as missionaries, as Ambassadors for Christ, wherever we are.

Just As We Are

As believers we know that God expects us to share the Good News of His love and eternal salvation with others. Some people step out on faith and take Gods word to the world as missionaries. Most Christians never take that step, either in the belief that God is sovereign and doesnt need our help, or – more likely – because we feel we lack the gifts of evangelism.

The truth is that God doesnt care about how gifted or talented or good looking we might be – He only cares that we are obedient. In the early 1900s a young, uneducated parlor maid named Gladys Aylward felt called to preach the Gospel in China. Too poor for the ship fare, she traveled overland by train, then bus, then mule, ending up in the city of Yangchen where no one had ever seen a European.

Over the next two decades and through World War II she shared the love of Christ through tireless service to the Chinese people. Her remarkable story is remembered through books and the movie “The Inn of the Sixth Happiness.”

Whatever our gifts or status in life, God wants us in the missions field, bringing Good News, just as we are. If you have a story about reaching your world as a missionary we would love to hear it. Please drop me a note at

Don’t Judge

I remember meeting Nick a few years ago. He was a 19-year-old who wore black clothes and lots of make-up. But despite his appearance, Nick was sincerely searching for the truth. He told me he had checked out different religions, and was drawn mostly to Christianity.

Because of his appearance, some Christians in his community had labeled him as a homosexual and Satanist – which he wasnt! So, Nick was confused about what to believe.

I was really impressed with Nick. He was honest and sincere about his search for truth. I shared from the Gospel of John, Chapter 8, where Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Nick said to me, “Well, Ill definitely put it under consideration.” Although he didnt surrender His life to Jesus that night, Nick realized that not all Christians were judging him. And Jesus Christ loved him just the way he was.

We need be careful to not pass judgment on kids who look and act differently than our own. Instead, its our privilege and calling to love these young people into the Saviors arms. If youve shared Jesus Christ with a young person, Id love to hear your story. Please send me a note at

A New Story

Recently our team got a letter from a young girl – Ill call her Anne. Anne wrote that her parents had divorced because her mom had been cheating on her dad. Not only did her mom want nothing to do with Anne, but her sister was in the hospital, and her boyfriend had just dumped her.

“My only friends are alcohol and marijuana,” Anne said. “So theres my story.” It was so sad to read that letter! Can you imagine what shes been through?

It breaks my heart when I hear about children who come from broken homes. When these kids are neglected and unloved, they can sometimes act out in pretty crazy ways. But deep down what theyre really wondering is, “Does anyone care about me?”

When you see a young person who seems hardened, and perhaps into drugs and drinking, remember that you dont know their story. Pray for those teenagers who seem the hardest to love. Find ways to connect with them. God says in Isaiah 49, “I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.” Thats a powerful message of Gods love to share with young people.

Through the cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we can offer children like Anne a different ending to their stories. Is there a youth in your life who needs you to reach out to them? Do it today, and point them to Jesus.

Only One Life

When my wife was a young girl, her family had a plaque on their wall with a wonderful quote. It said, “Only one life will soon be past; only whats done for Christ will last.”

Its true, isnt it? We only have a short time here on earth to save souls. Nobody knows how long they have left to live. So we must make the most of every opportunity. Because, as that quote reminds us, only things of eternal value will last into Heaven.

The exciting thing is that each one of us has a unique role to play in Gods plan of redemption and salvation. Ephesians 2:10 is a super verse to remember when it comes to our special calling: “For we are Gods workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

God has placed you exactly where you are, with the talents youve got, for a reason! You know people in ways that nobody else does. Maybe youre the only Christian friend they have. Perhaps youre the only person praying for them. Isnt that an amazing thought?

Its no coincidence; God has put you in certain relationships for a specific purpose. Share your faith and trust God for the results!