
A Calling from God

Im talking about Moses becoming a good example for you and me. Moses had a sense of calling from God. It took many years for that calling to be realized, but once it happened, Moses made history!

Moses brought a million and a half Israelites out of Egypt. The Red Sea parted with a touch of his staff. God used him to set the captives free who had been in bondage for over 400 years!

Do you have an inner sense of calling from God? Each one of us has an idea of how God wants to use us. As followers of Jesus, were commanded to set the captives of Satan free by proclaiming the message of Jesus Christ. And because were all made uniquely with specific gifts, God has a special purpose for you thats different from his purpose for me.

John 15:16 says, “You didnt choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear much fruit, fruit that will last.”

God wants to use you in extraordinary ways to bring others into the Kingdom of Heaven. So whats your calling? Spend time with God. Listen to Him. As you read the Holy Bible, listen to His Word. Get on your knees and say, “God, speak to me. Lay on my heart what am I supposed to do.” I guarantee it! The Lord will show you the next step, and the next, and open up the doors into that great calling for you – just as He did with Moses!

An Unquenchable Fire

It took 40 years in the desert for Moses to learn that he had to depend on God alone for freeing the Israelites. Then, the Lord confirmed His calling to Moses when He appeared to him in the famous burning bush.

Exodus 3:2 says, “Moses saw that though the bush was on fire, it did not burn up.” Have you ever wondered why God appeared in a bush that didnt consume itself? I believe His message to Moses, and to us, is that the fire of the flesh quickly burns out. But the fire of God never goes out.

Moses couldnt be fully used by God until he surrendered his own carnal idea for how he would free Gods people, and humbled himself before God. He realized there was nothing in himself that was going to be powerful enough to confront the Pharaoh. He needed to be filled with the indwelling fire of God Himself.

If you and I want to serve God in evangelism, the only fire that will keep us going is the fire of the indwelling Holy Spirit. The fire of the flesh flickers and dies. A little criticism, a little opposition, a little embarrassment and its easy to give up. But when the fire of God is burning in your heart, you continue on because that fire is the very real living presence of God in us.

Your Pulpit

A few years ago as I was flying into a city, one of the flight attendants suddenly recognized me. She was a believer and as we began talking, she said, “This is my pulpit.” She pointed to the front of the plane. As we talked, she spoke real loud so everybody around could hear that she was a believer. This woman was basically giving a quick witness, right then and there.

Later I thought, She’s got a good point. You know, all of us, if we’re followers of Jesus Christ, are His ambassadors. We all have a pulpit that He’s called us to witness from. It doesn’t matter where we are, or what we do. We’re here to represent the King of Kings. And what an honorable position!

When you think about it, an ambassador is appointed to speak for the country they come from. When an ambassador speaks, the other government listens. One great thing about an ambassador is you don’t have to invent the message. You’re told what to say, so you say it.

When you share the Good News, don’t go around groveling like you’re some slave. You are an ambassador of Jesus Christ! He’s given you the clear and simple Gospel message to spread. As His ambassador, you can share it with dignity, with class, with authority, and with humility. What a privilege!

Drawing Near

I really admire a man named Robert Levy. He’s my son, Andrew’s, father-in-law. Robert’s a very powerful businessman, but his main purpose in life is leading people to Jesus Christ – which is what I respect most about him.

Robert is a true man of God, but that didn’t happen by accident. I believe it’s because He purposes to spend time with God every morning. Before anything else, he’s up at 5:00 am to spend time with God.

Do you want to be someone like that, too? James 4:8 tells us: “Come near to God and He will come near to you.” Those aren’t just words that James wrote because they sounded nice – they’re true! It’s a call from God. It’s an invitation from the King.

God longs to be near you, to change you, and use you for His glory. When we make one small move toward Him, He rushes to us with open arms!

The Lord Jesus said that he wants to be a close friend of yours. But you need to make the choice to spend time with Him, reading His word, and listening to the Holy Spirit. Then, as you walk with God, people will notice.

They’ll think, “There’s something different about her – maybe I’ll ask her about the struggle I’m going through.” By spending time with the Lord, you will have his quiet power and confidence to witness to the lost and lonely people in your world.

God Can Use Anyone

There was a humble British maid who lived in the early 1900s. Her name was Gladys Aylward. She was uneducated but she believed that God had called her to China. Yet because she wasn’t educated, no mission society would send her.

But Gladys was tenacious and she finally found a way to get to China without the support of a missionary agency. Finally, with a few coins in her pocket and a one-way train ticket across Europe and Russia, she said good-bye to her family, and she set out to go to China.

Once in China, Gladys shared the Good News wherever, and however, she could. First, she began working at an inn and told Bible stories to the travelers who stayed there.

She later started adopting orphans, and saved scores of boys and girls when World War II broke out in China. At one point, she walked for 12 days with 100 orphans to escape the bombing of her city. She led them to safety, and then collapsed with Typhoid fever.

Gladys later wrote, “My heart is full of praise that one so insignificant, uneducated, and ordinary in every way could be used to His glory…” First Samuel 16:7 says “Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

God can use you (look, he can use me!) so, whatever your shortcomings, lacks, failures, or fears may be, He will use you. He has chosen you to spread the Good News to your world. So make the most of it.