
Our Competence Comes from God

I have a dear friend who recently, for the first time, led a person to Christ. Hes a committed Christian and a fearless businessman, yet he had never experienced one of the greatest joys of a Christian life – sharing the Good News of eternal salvation and Gods love.

The majority of Christians never share their faith with others. A lot of people feel incompetent and nervous. We all can be nervous at times, but that doesnt mean that we should not share our faith. We can have confidence to speak out because of Jesus Christ!

The apostle Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians that “confidence is ours through Christ…not that we are competent to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.” God, through Christ, qualifies each of us to be personal evangelists.

Have you hesitated to share your faith because youre nervous or feel inadequate? My friend was able to share one of the greatest joys this side of heaven when he stopped depending on his own abilities, asked for strength from the Lord, and turned to the competence that comes only from God. Try it today.

Is it Time to Re-Surrender?

Some years ago I was visiting a church where a successful Christian businessman was telling his story to the congregation. “As a young man,” he said, “I answered an altar call to follow Christ and I surrendered all. I accepted Christ into my life and gave Him everything!” From somewhere in the back of the church a voice rang out – “I dare you to do it again!”

Many of us, when we were young, surrendered all to the Lord. It seemed easy to do when all we owned was a few pairs of jeans and a beat up car. Maybe thats why God often uses young people – because young men and women are more willing to give everything to the Lord.

Today, listen to Gods voice: is He challenging you once again to surrender all to Him? Dont hold back! Hebrews 3:15 says, “Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts.”

I pray that you will hear Gods call to re-surrender and re-commit your lives to His service. Once you do, youll experience a renewal of your spiritual passion that will strengthen you as you reach out to others with the Good News. When you surrender yourself 100% to proclaiming the way of salvation, God can use you in a big way.

Yearning for Revenge

My father was a very successful businessman, but he died when I was only 10 years old. He left my mother a lot of property and money. But several family members swindled everything we had. Within three years, my family was living in poverty and debt.

When I was old enough to understand what our relatives had done, I urged my mother to take revenge on them. I wanted to get a lawyer to take them to court and let them have it! I was so angry. The older I got, the more bitter I became.

But, my mother refused to become bitter. She clung to what the Bible says in Romans 19:16, “Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for Gods wrath, for it is written: It is mine to avenge, I will repay, says the Lord.”

God is the One who measures out justice. He will be the judge. How he handles that judgment is up to Him. He may do something now, or He might not, but we dont need to worry about it. He is the perfect judge.

God commands His followers to grant forgiveness. Only then can we truly reach our world for Jesus Christ. When you forgive, others witness the miraculous power of Jesus Christ in YOU! Be a person who is willing to forgive because Jesus has forgiven you.

Christ’s Forgiveness

I know a very successful businessman named Jay Coughlan. He and his father used to go on a yearly fishing trip that always included lots of drinking. During one of these trips, Jay and his dad stopped at a bar on their way home.

When they hit the road again, Jay was so drunk that he ran through a railroad crossing — right as a train was coming. The train smashed into them, destroyed the car, and Jays father died on the spot.

In the hospital, Jays guilt was overwhelming. He had never thought much about God, but lying there he said, “Im going to hell. This is the ultimate crime.”

Just then, a preacher came into Jays room. He told Jay, “Mr. Coughlan, God loves you. He wants to forgive you and give you eternal life.”

Jay swore at the Pastor and said, “I just killed my father! How can God ever forgive me?” But the man explained the Good News very simply. And Jay accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior.

Today, Jay shares his story with other businessmen, explaining the Good News of Gods forgiveness and grace. The Lord is using Jays experience to bring others to the Lord. What a great example of the powerful, on-going effects of evangelism!

Who can you tell about the Lord? Will you do it today?

Serving God 100%

When I was in Australia a few years ago, I met Milton Morris, a member of the Australian Parliament. We were at a luncheon together and Mr. Morris said these words that Ill never forget: “Being one hundred percent for Christ is so much better than fifty percent!”

Its a simple statement, but I thought, How true! One hundred percent is the only way to live for Jesus Christ. Its the only way to experience the wonderful life He has for you and me. And its the only way to witness to our world about His glorious power, and His plan for mankind.

So what does it look like to live for Jesus 100%? The Bible says his servants shall serve the Lord with zeal. Second Peter tells us to “be zealous, be committed.” And you can serve Christ like this no matter who you are, or what you do.

You can serve Him as a teacher, a businessman, a housewife, a student, or a truck driver. Whatever you do, you can serve the Lord Jesus by being fervently committed to sharing His Good News.

Gods number one plan for reaching the world is through you and me! So why not make a fresh decision today? Commit yourself to serve Him with zeal – nothing less than 100%! And then watch God work through you to change your world – one heart at a time.