We’re all Called
William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, is one of my heroes! He had a famous quote hed say to Christians who said they werent called to share the Good News.
“Not called?” Hed ask. “No, Not heard the call, I think you should say. Put your ear down to the Bible and hear Him bid you go and pull sinners out of the fire of sin!”
Wow – those are pretty strong words, arent they? But thats why I like men like William Booth. They confidently spoke what they knew of God and Jesus Christ, and exhorted others to do the same. No excuses. No apologies. There was no reason not to pour their hearts and souls into evangelism!
Jesus prayed for His followers in John 17:18. “As you sent me into the world,” He said, “I have sent them into the world.” Jesus has sent you into your world, too. Whether thats to a foreign land, your cubicle at work, or in your neighborhood book club.
Wherever God has placed you, Hes done it for the purpose of influencing those around you with the Good News. So lets take William Booths challenge to heart. Lets you and I listen to Gods call, and pull sinners out of the fire of sin.