
Sharing Our Faith isn’t Easy

Sharing our faith isnt always easy – I know! As a young man, I was convinced I didnt have the gift of evangelism. No matter how hard I tried, no one was coming to faith in Jesus Christ. I remember giving God a deadline: “If I dont see any converts by the end of the year, Im quitting.” I would still be an active Christian, but I planned to resign myself from striving to win the lost to Jesus Christ. The end of the year came and went. No converts. Now I was SURE I didnt have the gift of evangelism. Then, about four days into the new year, I met someone who said, “Please tell me how I can get a pure heart.” Together we looked at the Bible. It says, “The blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from every sin.” That was the answer! That evening, this person found peace with God and went home with a pure heart overflowing with joy. How delightful it was to lead this person to Jesus Christ! You can do the same. YOU can lead someone to faith in Jesus Christ. But you must boldly ask God to use you. And then you must respond when He gives you the opportunity. He will help you, but you must first be willing.

What’s Done for Christ will Last

My wife Pat often quotes the saying, “Only one life twill soon be past. Only whats done for Christ will last.” I like that. Our lives will fly by faster than we expect. The apostle Paul reminds us of that when he says “you are a mist that appears for a while and then vanishes.” So what are we doing to make a difference for eternity?

Ive met many believers who reflect the outward signs of committed Christians. Theyre involved in their churches. They love the Bible. Still, they seem to be stalled in their Christian walk. Theyre not growing in their faith, theyre not joyful and theyre not filled with the Holy Spirit.

Its so sad because theyre passing up opportunities to share their faith! So, how do we followers of Christ re-kindle the passion that first brought us to Him?

The answer is to get back to the basics. Re-surrender and welcome Christ back into your heart. Pray and worship. Read and meditate on your Bible. Share your faith with someone who needs to know Jesus. As you watch the Lord work, youll discover a new enthusiasm for the things of God.

Who Needs Church, Anyway?

A recent study by the Barna Group found that more than 13 million Americans identified as born again believers were considered unchurched. That is, they hadnt attended a church service, other than for a Holiday, in at least six months.

My wife Pat recently co-wrote a book with her friend Peggy Sue Wells titled “What to do when you dont want to go to church.” During their research Peggy and Pat talked to hundreds of Christians who no longer attend church. Their reasons ranged from issues of doctrine and policy to more mundane things such as parking, pews, and the volume of the music.

If youre among the 13 million unchurched believers, whats your favorite excuse? The Bible clearly states the importance of the local church. “Consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds” it says in Hebrews. “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another.”

Is it time you took a fresh look at your church and asked yourself what you can personally bring to encourage others? If you come with a heart filled with the Holy Spirit, your presence can bless both you and your congregation.

Energy for the Task

When you labor on something, you get tired. Think about it. You wash the car, and afterwards you need a rest. You tackle your wifes “Honey Do” list, and afterwards you need a break. You put in a full day at the office, and afterwards you need to relax.

Our laboring takes energy! But what about laboring for God? Does it take MORE energy because its “spiritual work?” How are we to go about the “unfinished task” of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ … without burning out?

The Bible says in Galatians, “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.” Imagine that! It goes on to say, “The life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

That is good news. That means that our labor in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ is energizing! Christ lives within us. He gives us all the fuel we need to share His love and Good News. If you are tired today, ask God to fill you with His Holy Spirit. And may that be MORE than enough as we press on in this unfinished task of winning the world to Jesus Christ.

Obedience in the Moment

The book of Acts, chapter 8, tells us one of the most miraculous evangelistic accounts in the Bible! It starts in verse 26: An angel of the Lord said to Philip, Go south on the road the desert road that goes south from Jerusalem to Gaza. So [Philip] started out When Philip arrived on the desert road, he found an Ethiopian eunuch reading the book of Isaiah.

But this man was confused – he needed someone to explain the Scriptures to him. So Philip described that Isaiah was actually prophesying about Jesus Christ. Immediately, the Ethiopian believed in the Lord, and asked to be baptized!

Thats a powerful story isnt it? Yet the Ethiopians conversion wouldnt have happened if Philip didnt listen – and obey – the voice of the Lord. No excuses. No hesitation. When the angel told Philip to go, he went!

God has amazing victories in store for us if we simply listen to His voice, and obey. So lets you and I spend time in Gods Word! Lets talk with Him in prayer! Then, when He prompts us to witness to our world, well be ready to do it!