
Believing the Bible

Many people today attack the authority of Gods Word. They throw out certain passages they dont understand, and question many others. Yet Jesus Himself recognized the Scriptures as Gods perfect Word. The Bible itself clearly states in 2nd Timothy 3:16 that “All Scripture is God-breathed.” So if youve recently led someone to faith in Jesus, its critical to establish the truth and authenticity of the Bible with them. Remind your new brother or sister in the Lord that the Bible is Gods authoritative word. Nothing in Gods Word is unimportant. Now, not all of truth in the Bible is immediately understandable. So if your friend is struggling to understand a passage, encourage them to pray about it, and talk to someone who can help them gain insight. Nothing that the Lord has said in the Bible should ever be treated irreverently or dismissed. By accepting the Bible as Gods Word, your friend will experience authority, power, and fellowship in their new relationship with God. Belief in the full authority of Scripture is vital to living an authentic, victorious Christian life! Only through such faith can your friend receive all that God has in store for them

Get into God’s Word

One of my earliest memories is sneaking out of bed early in the morning to watch my father pray and read the Bible. It deeply impressed me as a child. Each day my father would read a chapter from Proverbs – one for each day of the month. Its something I still try to practice today. One of the most important habits a new Christian can cultivate is reading the Bible. Its the best way to learn about God and His ways. So if you know someone who has recently become a follower of Jesus Christ, encourage your friend to read the Bible each day. Have them start with the book of Proverbs to gain wisdom and understanding in the Lords ways. The Gospel of John is another great book. Offer to read through the passages with your friend. That way youll be available to answer any questions they may have along the way. Second Timothy tells us that “all Scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” Just as my father taught me, theres no better way to grow in the Lord than by spending time in His Word!

The First Steps

Have you recently led someone to Jesus Christ? If so, congratulations! Nothing compares to the joy of helping to usher a soul into the family of God! And now you have the opportunity to help your friend grow in their new relationship with the Lord! One of the first steps you can take is to encourage your friend in their new faith. They may be struggling with some doubt, and wonder, “Am I really saved? Did Jesus really come into my heart? How do I know for sure?” Remind your friend of the truth from Gods Word. In John 10:28 Jesus tells us: “I give them eternal life, they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand.” New believers may also struggle with a sense of guilt from their past sins. If that happens, open the Bible to Romans 8:1 where Paul writes, “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” And finally, remind your new brother or sister in Christ that Jesus lives in them. Galatians 2:20 says, “I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” These verses will help a new believer. Gods Word can penetrate your friends heart, with the Lords promises

A Christmas of Light

Light symbolizes Christmas. We hang Christmas stars and we have trees that are lit up. Its a good symbol because there was light when the angels came and said, “I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

Light speaks of life. Light speaks of God. Light speaks of freedom. Light speaks of a clear conscience. And light speaks of forgiveness of sins. The Bible says that “God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all.”

God is light. If you know Him today, then you never need to be in darkness. If you do not know Him, will you surrender to Him today? He wants to come into your life. He wants to forgive you. He wants to call you His child. This Christmas will you give your heart to Jesus Christ? Will you do it today? Right now?

Pray with me, “Lord Jesus Christ. I surrender my life to you. I believe in my heart you are the son of God. I know you died on the cross to get rid of all my sins. I believe youre alive. So I open my heart to you. With your power, I will serve you and follow you. I am yours forever because Christ lives in me. Amen.”

Hope for Family Members

I have a friend named John who opened his heart to Jesus Christ when he was in high school. John soon began sharing His love for the Lord with his mother, Shirley. Now, Shirley was a lovely lady, but she resisted the Good News for years.

One day my team and I were having a big evangelistic festival on the waterfront near her apartment. When she heard the message of Christ through her apartment window, and our parallel TV telecast, Shirley opened her heart to Christ. And two months to the day, the Lord took her home to be with Himself. I am so glad Shirley is now “at home with the Lord” in heaven, to quote the Bible!

If youre a Christian, chances are theres someone in your family who does not know the Lord. Let me encourage you to make the most of this Christmas season and share the Good News with them. Take them to a Christmas Eve service. Afterwards, ask them what they thought of it. Or go to their home and sing carols around the piano and then read the Christmas story from Luke chapter two.

Go shopping, have lunch, and ask leading questions. Shower them with God-given love and, most of all, offer them the opportunity to give their hearts to Christ. Remember the words of the Lord from Isaiah, “Now is the time of Gods favor, now is the day of salvation.”