
Returning to Jesus

Pete was a 25-year-old man who told me he had a problem. He had become a follower of Jesus a few years ago, but then, “all of a sudden,” he said, “my faith just died out.” He told me, “Ive stopped reading the Word, and Ive stopped going to church. It all seemed to happen one day. What should I do?”

I told Pete to look at the book of Acts, where we see how the new believers sustained their faith. Its a great model to follow. Acts 2:42 says, “They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching, and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer.”

The first thing Pete needed to do was to pray, asking the Lord for forgiveness and for the strength to follow Him.

Second, he needed to have a daily walk with God, reading the Bible and spending time in prayer.

I also encouraged Pete to find a group of men to meet with for fellowship and accountability, in addition to attending a Bible-believing church.

I tell you, I meet many people like Pete who have similar stories of falling away from the faith. Many wonder if God would ever take them back, and they feel so guilty. You and I need to be the voice of truth, reminding them that Jesus has already paid the price on the cross.

So lets be prepared to gently encourage them back into a relationship with Jesus Christ.

An Eternal Difference

I met Miguel a few years ago. He asked me a very interesting question. “Luis,” he said, “What would happen if I chose one religion instead of another? Is it really going to make that much of a difference?”

“Oh yes,” I replied. “There is a big difference – an eternal difference. Jesus Christ said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except by me.”

I told Miguel that Jesus is the only way to know God personally, have your sins forgiven, and experience eternal life.

I also explained to Miguel that beyond the eternal ramifications, living without God through Jesus Christ makes for a very confusing life. Youre on your own. You have no sense of guidance, or purpose. One of the great things that Jesus Christ does, is He answers the questions, “Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I alive?”

Do you know someone like Miguel, who is questioning the relevancy of Christianity? You and I must tell these seekers that what they choose to believe will have eternal consequences. Challenge them to read the Bible, with an open mind.

In the book of Jeremiah, God promises, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” If your friend is truly searching for the Lord, He will be found.

Hell to Pay

I once had a gentleman ask me, “If I find another faith to believe in other than Christianity, will I really be punished like some people say?”

This is a tough question to answer, isnt it? One of the hardest things to tell people is that yes, there is hell to pay, for their sins. But thats exactly what we must share with others. Not in a judgmental kind of way, but with kindness and respect.

So I told this man, “Yes, if you turn down Jesus Christ, you will be punished. The Bible does warn us about the consequences of not following Jesus Christ.

Revelation chapter 20 says If anyones name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire. We cant play games with God.”

You and I must remember that the Good News is so good because we dont get what we deserve, which is hell. Because of Jesus Christs death on the cross and His resurrection, we are free from eternal condemnation if we choose to believe in Him. The Good news is so wonderful because of what it frees us from, which is eternity without God!

Faith in Christ gives you a security and peace that you would never know otherwise — both now, and for eternity. Who in your world needs to hear this message?

A Family Divided

Samantha was a woman who believed in one religion, and her husband believed in another. This wasnt a problem for them while they were dating and first married. But when they started having children, she began wondering how they would raise them. “What church should we take them to?” Samantha asked me.

I first recommended that Samantha read the Gospel of John. I said it would help her understand what Christianity is all about, and why its the one religion that offers forgiveness of sins and a relationship with God the Father.

I told her that all religions are not the same, so it was of utmost importance to raise her children in the Lord. I shared one of my favorite verses in John: “To all those who receive Him, who believe in His name, He gives them the power to become a child of God.” Samantha agreed to start reading the Bible, asking God to reveal Himself to her.

You know, its interesting that once couples have children they often start asking this type of question. Their spiritual antennas seem to be up, so to speak.

So as you enter into conversations with couples you know, be aware that they may have questions about religion. Your answers, prompted by the Holy Spirit, could lead them into a relationship with Jesus Christ!

Watch and Pray

The return of Jesus Christ to earth could literally be at any moment in time. Thats why Matthew 24 tells us, “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.”

What does it mean to keep watch? Watch means to stay alert. Stay awake. Be ready. Be aware of the signs, then wisely and winsomely witness about the Lord Jesus with those in your world.

Watch also means spend time in the Word of God. Spend time on your knees. Do it before you go to work in the morning. When you go to bed at night, spend time meditating on the Scriptures. One of the best ways to reach your world is by teaching your family to understand the Word of God.

My Dad died when I was ten but I tell you he left us a legacy of reverence for the Bible. I have five sisters and one half-brother, and all of us have learned to reverence the Word of God, to love Jesus Christ, and to share Him with others.

Lets not become complacent in sharing our faith, because Jesus could return even today! So spend time with God. Teach your children to love His Word. And Ask the Lord to help you remain faithful in reaching your world with His message of Good News!