
Differences and Similarities: Love

Christians want to reach others with Gods love by sharing the message of Jesus Christ. But sometimes we think the differences between us are just too great.

My friend, today I want you to remember that we are all human. And as humans made in the image of God, we all have the capacity to give and receive love. LOVE is something everyone longs for.

Now, what distinguishes Christians from nonChristians when it comes to love? Quite simply: the ability to extend love when our feelings are against it.

How do we do this? By the power of the Holy Spirit. The Bible says, “God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.”

This is what enables us to love difficult people – even our enemies – with Gods love.

Those who do not know Jesus Christ are intrigued by the way Christians can extend such nonsensical love. I challenge you today – dont just love someone, but explain the source of your love. Tell about Jesus Christ.

Differences and Similarities: Peace

Do you remember the first time you came face-to-face with the reality of death? When it moved from being a distant concept to an unavoidable fact that YOU TOO will indeed one day pass away? Facing this reality, Christians and nonChristians respond in different ways.

I have felt the fear that takes over the hospital room of a dying person who does not know Jesus Christ. I have also known the peace with which a dying believer approaches death. There is nothing more dramatically different than feelings of terror and those of perfect peace. That moment when we face our own immortality we realize what we really believe.

If you follow Jesus Christ today, you walk in a peace thats incomprehensible to your non-believing friends and neighbors. But, friend, this is not a gift to hoard! Gods peace is for each of us. In the Bible Jesus says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives.”

Lets share the reason for our peace today. Tell someone about Jesus Christ and His perfect peace – both in the face of death and in everyday living.

Differences and Similarities: Perspective

Christians arent perfect. Ill be the first to testify to that. But one benefit we have in Jesus Christ is the eternal perspective He offers us.

When stresses and problems come our way, as they do in everyones life, a believers reaction is significantly different from a nonbelievers. The defining difference is the perspective with which we approach these problems.

As frustrating and painful as people and circumstances may be, Christ-followers know that this world is not the be-all and end-all. We live today in light of eternity! Its a joyously free feeling to not be trapped by earthly burdens. We know that heaven is our true home.

This perspective is not something nonbelievers can understand. All they are living for is here and now. But the Bible says, “this world in its present form is passing away.”

There is so much more to life than the present! Wont you reach out and tell someone about the reason for your lack of fear and worry? Wont you tell someone what Jesus Christ has done for you?

Those in Prison

My wife and I know of a woman who visits girls in a juvenile detention center. Once a month, the girls in this home have free time to leave the campus with a family member or friend. But sadly, many of them have no one to go with. Their family and friends simply dont visit them.

So this woman asked ladies from her church to meet with the girls. Each woman takes one girl out for coffee, or to the mall, or on a walk. And they simply talk. One hour a month is all it takes to share Christs love with these young girls. Isnt that powerful?

Hebrews 13:3 tells us, “Remember those in prison, as if you were their fellow prisoners.”

Now, talk about getting out of our comfort zones! This is perhaps one of the hardest places to imagine sharing the Good News Gospel. But many of the inmates have hit bottom and are hungry for hope, forgiveness, and a fresh start. You can be the one to tell them that Jesus Christ offers new life to all who believe in His name!

Think about some ways you can get alongside a prison ministry in your area. Perhaps you can mentor someone, or help lead a Bible study. As you let the Lord spiritually stretch you, Hell bring about amazing results in peoples lives – including your own!

Practice Hospitality

Joe Aldrich used to be the president of Multnomah Bible College, where I went to seminary. He left a wonderful legacy of evangelism at that school. Joe believed in what he called “lifestyle evangelism.” He let his faith spill over into every part of his days and nights.

One of the ways Joe and his wife practiced lifestyle evangelism, was by opening up their home to international university students. Joe and his wife had many students in their home, night after night, cooking great meals for them, and making them feel comfortable in a strange new country. By their generous hospitality, the Aldrichs led many young people to the Lord.

Joes motto was always, “Love them til they ask you why.” He said students would be in their home night after night, until one of them would ask Joe, “Why do you care so much about us?” That was the open door for Joe to say that Christs love compelled him to love others. And he shared with them the Good News Gospel.

Having people over for dinner may be uncomfortable for you to do. But First Peter 4 charges us to “offer hospitality to one another.” By simply having a friend or neighbor over for a meal, you can reach them for Jesus Christ. So, why not do it tonight?