
Hope for Change

Paul was a young guy I met in Maine a few years ago. He told me that he was really into drugs and drinking, and needed help. But, Paul said his biggest problem was that he didnt have any hope. “My family just keeps telling me Ill never amount to anything,” he said. Unfortunately, Paul believed them.

I asked Paul if he had heard of the Lord Jesus, the forgiveness of sins through the cross of Christ, and the new beginning He offers all of us. Paul said hed never opened a Bible, and didnt know much about the Lord. I was so glad to have the opportunity to share the Good News with him!

I quoted 2nd Corinthians 5:17: “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come!” I told Paul, “When you give your life to Christ, you become a totally new person. Jesus forgives every sin youve ever committed. He helps you start over.” To my delight, Paul decided to surrender his life to Jesus! I knew God would change him dramatically!

There are people all around us, like Paul, with empty hearts — wondering if there is hope, and a way to start over. Its our privilege, and calling, to tell them about the hope and forgiveness thats only found in Jesus Christ.

An Open Sincerity

Many of us came to Christ through the words and example of a Christian who showed the open sincerity of a true believer. That sincerity can come to each of us when we acknowledge our personal frailties and take off the masks we use to hide them.

In the early days of my ministry I sometimes tried to be self-sufficient and relied on my education and my Bible knowledge instead of God. Sometimes I wore a mask of toughness and confidence that kept me from getting through to people who were hungry to hear of Gods love. Thankfully, God saw though my masquerade and eventually took off my mask of pride. Only then was I able to share the Good News with sincerity and power.

In those times when we doubt our competence to be ambassadors for Christ, lets remember the words of the apostle Paul from Philippians 4: “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.”

As Christians, its our privilege and responsibility to share the message of Gods love. We dont need to hold back! God will give us the strength to share the Good News with the sincerity that comes from total trust in Him.

If youve experienced the blessing that comes from letting God be your confidence, Id love to hear about it. Write to me at Ill be praying for you!

Blessings from the Word

This week weve talked about the importance of knowing Gods Word as you step out in faith to reach your world. We learned that you dont have to be a scholar to witness, but Gods word will give you a passion for the lost, power in your speech, joy in your life, and a standard to live by. The last thing I want to tell you about the Bible is that in reading it, and getting to know it well, you will find great blessing.

Psalm 1 says, “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, or stand in the way of sinners, or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.”

Reading the Bible is not a chore. Its not something you are forced to do either. Its something we are privileged to do- and it is a joy. If we meditate on Gods word often, we will be blessed. Its not we might be blessed, the scriptures say we will be blessed.

And if the Bible says something will happen, you can count on it. Ive found this to be true in my own life, and I know you will too. Read your Bible today, and as youre blessed, go out and bless others.

The Power of the Word

Throughout my years in ministry, Ive heard from many people that if I had their mother-in-law I wouldnt feel so victorious, or if I was married to their wife, I wouldnt feel so optimistic.

We all have difficult circumstances, but it is important to saturate our hearts and minds with the Bible- this helps us maintain the proper perspective. One glorious truth of the Bible is that nothing and no one can take away the power of Christ in you. Regardless of whats going in our lives, we are headed for Heaven and there is no greater joy than that.

St. Paul writes in Romans, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.”

There is authority and power in the everlasting truth of the Bible. When you share the scriptures with others, it isnt some opinion- it is Gods Word. If you are a follower of Jesus- dont keep it to yourself. Tell anyone and everyone who will listen.

Get to know the scriptures well. Read them often. As you read you will find your passion for the lost renewed. The more you learn about the Lord Jesus the more youll want to tell people. Try it today, wont you? Reach out and discover the joy that comes with knowing Gods Word.

Confidence in the Word

You know, these days, it seems nothing is absolute anymore. Malcolm Muggeridge said that the greatest problem of our day is not political or economic but it is “the loss of a sense of moral order.” It is so exciting to me, that as followers of Jesus we have an absolute standard to live by.

This absolute standard is Gods Word to mankind- the Bible. The Bible is without error. You can trust it 100%. It is the inspired Word of God. If we dont think God is big enough to create a book without error, then we serve too small a god. God absolutely can create a perfect book and He did.

The Bible says of itself in Second Timothy that “All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

Isnt this exciting? The more we read the Bible, the better equipped we are to reach our world. When we live our lives in light of the scriptures, we live based on unchanging, absolute truth.