
Pray Great Prayers

When I was a teenager in Argentina, a missionary from California taught me how to pray. His name was Keith Benson. Keith asked if I would like to pray with him once a week. I was thrilled! The first afternoon we got together, Keith put a map on the wall. On the map was the city of Cordoba, which is the second largest city in Argentina.

We began praying for each and every church in Cordoba. It took many months, but we did it! Then Keith began putting up maps of other cities throughout Argentina, and we prayed for those by name, week after week.

Eventually, it was on to South America. We prayed for each and every country. Finally, Keith brought out a globe of the world! And I fell in love with the nations! I learned so much through those prayer sessions. Keith taught me that regular prayer not only enhances your relationship with God, but it increases your vision for what God can do through your prayers. I determined that I was ready to go wherever the Lord called me!

In John 16, Jesus says: “My Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.” Whatever we ask in Jesus name, He promises to do it. So dream big – but pray even bigger – that God will use you to reach your world for Jesus Christ!

The Indwelling Christ

I was born and raised in Argentina. And as a boy I went to an excellent church. The Bible was taught fantastically well – but, there were a few things missing.

We all worked very hard at being good Christians. All-night prayer meetings every Friday night, for one. We loved them – but after six or ten months, we began to feel, wow, this is such an effort to keep up! A lot of my friends began dropping out of church altogether.

Then, when I was 25, I finally realized that it wasnt about what I was going to do for God. Its what He will do in me, and through me. I finally understood that its all about me relying on Him and His power. Its not about me — its Christ living in me, and working through me with His strength! That was the beginning of a great liberation and success in leading others to Jesus.

What about you? Are you slugging it out for the Lord, but lacking joy and freedom? Thats not the way God intended for us to live.

Galatians 2:20 tells us, “I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” As you submit to God, and rest in His supernatural power, He will work through you to influence your world for Jesus Christ!

Around the World

Many years ago, British missionaries came to Argentina and led my parents to faith in Christ. They, in turn, raised me and my five sisters in the Lord. We have all made personal commitments to Christ. Its awesome to think about the ongoing spiritual impact that those faithful missionaries had, just on my family alone!

Have you ever thought about going to another country to share your faith? It may be hard to imagine getting out of your comfort zone like that — especially if it means traveling long distances, eating strange foods, and not being able to speak the language. Yet Jesus calls us to spread His Good News all around the world.

In the Gospel of Mark, chapter 16, as Jesus is returning to heaven, He tells his followers to “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to all creation.”

Now, some of us are called to witness in our hometown, while others are called overseas. But how will you know if you dont seek the Lords will for your life? Ask Him to send you wherever He chooses. As you open up your heart to the Lords leading, He will use you in ways you could never imagine! Theres nothing more exciting than changed lives, dont you think?

Implanted in Our Hearts

I went to a local church in Argentina when I was a teenager. There were always two elderly people who were there very early. They always opened the chapel for the Tuesday and Thursday meetings, which started at 7:30 at night. These people would arrive at 5:00 p.m. They were both illiterate but they knew the Word of the Lord and they knew the law of the Lord.

I would arrive early from work and I went straight to the chapel. I would sit with these two elders in the corner of the church. I would get them talking until the crowd began to arrive, sometimes for an hour. It was the best! They would tell me illustrations that were earthy, very day to day, and apply Bible passages. I was always impressed how, though they were illiterate, the Word of God was implanted in them.

Thats what Jeremiah says, in the Bible, regarding the new covenant that was to come: “I will put my law in their minds and write them on their hearts.”

When we spend time with God, He implants His word in our hearts, too. Thats when things get exciting! Gods word is hidden in your heart, and it just starts coming out of you. It spills out into the lives of those around you! And it draws them to Jesus Christ. So, every day, if you possibly can, every day spend time in the Word of God and you will be used by God in a mighty way.