
Godly Multiplication

I have a friend named Stephen Baldwin. Hes an actor in Hollywood. Stephen told me he used to be a pretty wild guy. Hed go to parties and nightclubs and was into a lot of drugs and drinking. Then one day, a Brazilian nanny came to live with him and his wife to help take care of their two girls. This woman, Augusta, was a cheerful Christian. She constantly sang songs about Jesus. Because of her witness, when the horrific events of 9/11 occurred in New York, Stephen and his family turned to Jesus!

Of course, Stephens lifestyle changed instantly. He didnt go to nightclubs and drink all the time. Suddenly he changed. It was very visible that something had happened to him. You should see Stephen now! He shares the Good News wherever he goes, especially with skateboarders and BMX bikers.

Stephen has a new life because Augusta invested in his soul. She was a fabulous example of 2nd Timothy 1:8: “Do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord.” Because Augusta shared her faith, Stephen Baldwin was changed forever. And now hes leading many young kids to Jesus. Thats what I call Godly multiplication! Let God use you to lead someone to His side – they may end up telling hundreds of others about the Lord.

Fighting the Good Fight

A New Way of Thinking
We’ve all heard these phrases: “Fight fire with fire.” “Fight it tooth and nail.” “You’re fighting a losing battle.” There are lots of sayings about fighting. Are you prepared to fight the good fight of faith? Actor Bruce Lee once said, “A fight is not won by one punch or kick. Either learn to endure or hire a bodyguard.”

The follower of Christ has to learn endurance, also. We are in a fight, my friend. The Bible says in Ephesians chapter six, “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the invisible evil authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

We must strengthen our spiritual muscles and arm ourselves with the truth of God’s Word. I guess you could say that’s kind of like our spiritual “bodyguard,” don’t you think? Knowing the Bible helps us reach non-believers with the Good News Gospel message. And you know, when you know the Bible, you’re more prepared.

You don’t want a hollow witness, a “Do as I say, not as I do” mentality. That won’t take you far. To go far and to persevere, I must keep on praying, speaking, loving-and fighting!-so that others might know the Good News of Jesus Christ. Yes, Satan attacks, but we have the indwelling Christ and “Greater is He that is in us than He that is in the world.”
