Assurance of Heaven

I recently co-wrote a book with the Minister of Information in China. His name is Mr. Zhao Qizheng. The book is called “A Friendly Dialogue Between an Atheist and Christian” Mr. Zhao is an atheist — a Marxist-Leninist, a Communist — but hes also interested in Christianity.

At a recent press conference, a journalist asked my friend, “Mr. Zhao, what has impacted you the most about your conversations with Palau?” Mr. Zhao replied, “When Luis talked about his father dying, and that he knew he was going to heaven to be with Jesus – that was the biggest impact.” He said, “because for us Chinese Communists, death is a blank. Death is darkness. Death is a wall. We have no hope. We dont know what happens after death.” Then he said, “I wish that I had the faith of Palau and his father.”

As my friend, Mr. Zhao admitted, an atheist has no hope after death. Yet as Christians, we have all the hope in the world! The apostle Paul said in Philippians 1:21, “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Never underestimate the power of your own assurance of heaven! Your own trust in eternity with Jesus will make an impact on the people in your world.

Saved by Grace

I was recently re-reading the story of the crucifixion in the Gospels. Remember, Jesus was being executed next to two thieves… They were convicted criminals! And yet Jesus was the perfect Son of God. He had never committed a sin.

The Bible says that the thieves began to make fun of Jesus Christ. But then, one of the thieves repented. He turned to the other thief and said, “Dont you fear God? We deserve what were getting. But this man doesnt deserve what hes getting.” Then he looked at Jesus and said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.” And Jesus said, “Truly, truly I say to you: today you will be with me in Paradise.”

Wow — what an incredible gift Jesus Christ gave that thief, right on the spot! Now, this man couldnt go to church; he couldnt have communion; he couldnt even get baptized. It was too late for that. But because he repented, that thief went straight into the presence of God when he died. What a great reminder that God doesnt ask anything of us except to believe in Him. Christianity is the only religion that offers eternal life through simply believing in Jesus Christ. Who will you share this glorious reality with today?

A Softened Heart

About five years ago I was in North Carolina with one of my wifes relatives. He was celebrating his 70th birthday. Now this guy is very bright – he has a PhD and is very intelligent. Hes also been an atheist his entire life. He would tell me, “Luis, I dont believe in God. Thats just a crutch for weak people.”

But while we were at his home, I noticed a Bible on his bed stand. He said to me, “Ive always bragged that Im an atheist, but when I turned 70 I started asking questions. I dont want to fool around anymore. If theres a God, I want to know Him, and if theres eternal life, I want to have it.”

Isnt that amazing? This guy was ready to get serious with God because his youth was gone. That can often be the case with people who are facing the last years of life. Is there an older person you know who has never made a decision for Jesus Christ? Maybe its your grandma or grandpa. Perhaps you think theyll never change. Dont give up! Luke 1:27 reminds us that “Nothing is impossible with God.” Pray believing that God will soften their heart. And then take a step of faith, and share the Good News with them. They may be ready, even now, to respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Our Father’s House

Back in 2001 we had a beach festival in Santa Cruz, California. One family – the Wagners – said they would help clean up the beach after the festival. So when we finished the first night, the Wagners, including their two teenage girls, picked up the litter. Then they got into their car and started driving home. Suddenly, a drunk driver rammed into the Wagners car. Tragically, those two teenage girls were killed on the spot.

The next morning I went to the hospital to see the parents. When I saw Mrs. Wagner, I took her hand. She said to me, “Luis, think of this. Last night the two girls opened their eyes and saw Jesus face for the first time ever.” Wow, what a glorious reality! The Wagners had the assurance that the girls were with Jesus, and that they would see them again in Heaven.

You know, to the world, death is something to fear. But Jesus tells us about Heaven in John 14:2. He says, “I am going there to prepare a place for you.” As Christians, when we die, we know we will see Jesus face to face in Heaven. He has promised that! This assurance and peace in the face of death is something people long for. So ask God who you can share His promises with – perhaps even today!

Into Eternity

Recently, my wife was downtown with a friend. They came upon a young man who was lying on the street. He had apparently just died. A crowd gathered to see what was going on. The medics covered him with a yellow tarp, and then everybody walked away. My wife said, “It was so sad – he was left all alone. Everybody left him except his dog.” We dont know what happened to that man, but we know hes not here anymore. He is off into eternity.
Did he go to heaven? Only God knows.

Im sure the people who saw that young man the day he died had no idea that it would be his last day on earth. It makes me wonder – did anyone ever share the Good News with him? Did he have anyone who prayed for him, or helped him understand how to have eternal life? I certainly hope so.

The Bible says in 1 Timothy, “God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to a knowledge of the truth.” Thats Gods heart for the lost! And He plans to save souls through you and me. So think about the people you interact with every day. Pray about sharing the Good News with one person that God has put in your path. You never know if today will be their last day before they head into eternity.