He Sets Us Free

I remember meeting a British gentleman who told me about an experience that completely changed his life. “I had an alcohol problem,” he told me “and I was also messing around with drugs.” While he struggled with these addictions, he met a young woman who said to him, “You have to be saved.” “From what?” he said. “Hell,” she replied. And he thought, “What a religious nut!”

But, this man was intrigued, so he started reading the Bible. One night he was reading one of the Gospels, and came upon the scene of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. He began weeping, and realized in that moment that he needed Jesus Christ to be his Lord and Savior. So he asked Jesus to come into his heart. “My life changed radically,” he said. “I gave up the drugs and alcohol. I had tried to give these things up before but couldnt. Only the power of Jesus freed me from my chains.”

Philippians 3:21 tells us that Christs power “enables him to bring everything under his control.” That includes our addictions, our chains, our secret sins. Are you suffering under some heavy burden of sin? If so, simply come to Christ. Ask Him to take over your life. He will transform you, purify you, and work out His perfect plan for your life.

God Reached Down

A few years ago I was invited to be on a secular radio program in England, to discuss religion. The other guest on with me was a doctor. He believed most people are raised in a religion that gives them great difficulty, turmoil, and guilt. So in his experience, religion brought many negative aspects to life.

But I told this doctor that there needs to be a distinction made between religion, and a personal relationship with the living God. Religion is more like structures that we create – rituals, buildings, temples – in an effort to find spiritual meaning. Religion is our human attempt to meet God, which is why its fraught with frustration and legalistic regulations. Yet the message of Jesus Christ is that God, the Creator, reached down to us in a personal way. He wants to relate to us, come into our lives, and change us. Its about the work that Christ did on the cross, saving us from our sins, not the work that we attempt.

Jesus says the truth “shall set you free.” Thats why there is great peace and freedom in a relationship with Him. All He asks is that you receive Him into your life, by faith. If you havent done that yet, why not make today the day to accept Christs life-changing offer?

The Only Way

Karen was a young woman who had gone to church her whole life. But she said recently, some people in her church started asking her questions that she couldnt answer. Karen said, “They started asking me if I was “saved,” or “born again.” I dont even know what that means,” she said. “Doesnt everyone who attends church end up in heaven, anyway?”

Unfortunately, this is a common belief among certain church-goers. But, as I told Karen, its simply not the truth. The Bible tells us that the only way to heaven is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was crucified on the cross for our sins, and rose again to sit at the right hand of God. Attending church, and doing religious activities, doesnt make you a Christian – anymore than being in an airport makes you a pilot!

Only through a relationship with Jesus can you experience the gift of eternal life. Jesus says in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except by me.” Do you have some of the same questions that Karen did? Why not check it out for yourself? Read chapters 10 and 14 in the Gospel of John. Ask God to reveal himself to you through His Word, and confirm the truth of what Im saying. He will do it!

A Prayer of Faith

Kim was a 16-year-old girl who came to my wife and me with a question. She said, “I dont understand why my prayers arent being answered. It seems like Im so distant from God.” I asked Kim if she had ever opened her heart to Jesus Christ, and invited Him into her life. Kim said, “Well, Ive tried, but it seems like it just doesnt work.”

I told Kim that to receive Jesus Christ is really very simple. Its a step of faith. Jesus says, “I stand at your door and knock. If you hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you and you with me.” So to receive Jesus Christ, you just say, Lord, come into this heart of mine, forgive my sin, make me your child, and change me.”

Can you relate to Kims experience? Do you feel distant from God, and wonder why your prayers seem to hit the ceiling, so to speak? Often people feel this way because they have never actually given their lives over to God. Theyve never said, “Jesus, come into my life, and change me, forgive me.” But thats all it takes. Are you ready and willing to make that commitment? Why not bow your head right now, and pray that prayer of faith?

True Success

My friend Matt used to measure his success by the money he made, and the women he hung out with. Matt had a great job, and lots of friends who he partied with. “On the outside,” he said, it looked like I had it all together. But on the inside, I was falling apart. Id come home from the bars feeling so empty.”

Thankfully, Matts sister, Nancy, had been praying for him for many years. She knew that only God could fill the emptiness in his life. So one summer, Nancy invited Matt to attend a festival that my team and I were putting on. Matt agreed to come. When he heard the message of the Good News Gospel that I shared, Matt said, “I realized I was a sinner, separated from God. But Jesus loved me enough that he would die for me.” That night, Matt surrendered his life to Jesus Christ. Now he says his idea of success is walking closely with God.

Do you identify with Matts struggle? Perhaps you look like you have it all together, too, but deep down you wonder if theres more to life. Im here to tell you that there is more to life! Jesus says, “I have come that [you] may have life, and have it to the full.” Jesus Christ is ready, and willing, to transform your life — just as he did with my friend, Matt.