
Why arent you telling people about Jesus? What are your reasons? Have you convinced yourself that your reasons are sufficient? Have you attempted to justify yourself?

Many times our excuse is that we dont want to offend. Maybe youve been turned off by an obnoxious Christian, so to avoid turning someone else off, you dont share at all. Are your reasons good ones or are they just an easy out so that you dont have to share your faith?

Nine out of tentimes the excuses we use are not from the Lord. Instead, they are our own fear speaking. In Galatians, Paul writes, “Am I now trying to win the approval of men or of God…if I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.” Do you fear men? Do you want to please that person and avoid a potential awkward moment? You cannot serve God and men. Choose to honor God today by getting rid of your excuses and boldly sharing your faith.

Physical Appearance

It seems our culture is more and more consumed with outward appearance! Ive met so many men and women who have little or no confidence because they dont feel attractive. Our society has set impossible standards, and it seems everyone is working furiously to achieve them.

And to make matter worse, many people have chosen to worship other people by esteeming their opinion more than Gods! Rather than resting in Gods love and acceptance of them, they live trying to imitate some celebrity or put on a show themselves.

God made you in His image! You are beautiful in His sight! David writes in the Psalms, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

God created You and He loves you the way you are even if you have big ears and funny looking nose. A humble acceptance of your appearance and a peace with the way you look will speak volumes to a never-satisfied culture. Worship God with your life. Do not get caught up in this obsessive and futile pursuit of perfection. There are more important things in this life! View yourself through Gods eyes, and share His love- the boundless love of a Father- with a hurting or insecure friend today.