A Unique Purpose

Each of us is specifically crafted for various functions of Gods work – which is the work of reconciling the world to Himself. In the same way that a car requires all kinds of parts in order to move and serve its purpose, we each are one part that serve a purpose.

Each of us is created to serve a function in the body of Christ. We all have a role. Some are the mouthpiece; others act in service or hospitality. Some are apologists, others teachers, but we all have a purpose. But, whatever our function may be, we each have the role of sharing our faith.

Paul writes in II Corinthians, “all of us have the same ministry of reconciliation.” We all share the responsibility of reaching others with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

This week, pray for clarity. Ask God to use you within your specific gifts and skill set to reach your world for Jesus Christ. When you minister through your gifts, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, the results will amaze you.

Sudden Death

I vividly remember the day I flew to Detroit and phoned a friend of mine. The last I had heard from him was through a letter in which he wrote, “Luis, when you get to Detroit, call me first thing!” So I did … only to find shocking news. He and his wife were killed in an airplane crash just one week earlier. That was very very hard news to receive.

Only God knows how many days we will have on this earth. Death can happen at any time – through an accident, through disease, or through old age. And because we never know when death will take anyone, we must maximize each day we are alive. We must make the most of every opportunity to share about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Not out of panic, but with the realization that time might be running out.

It is every believers privilege to share the Word of God! As the Bible says, we must be diligent in “redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” Who in your life needs to know Jesus Christ? Pray for that person. Then, pursue an opportunity to tell them the Good News. Reaching our world happens just one person at a time.

Fake Happiness

When we lived in Mexico City, my wife Pat had an interesting experience at the hair salon. As her hair was being styled, she noticed that many of the middleclass women in the shop were chit-chatting with a slur. It wasnt an accent. It was a slur! Later, we found out why. These women were addicted to tranquilizers.

These middle class ladies were not satisfied with life. They used drugs to fill their emptiness. Even today, many people have mastered the art of looking like they have it all together on the outside. But inside, they are dying. Often we cannot tell when people are going through pain. We only see their fake happiness.

Sadly, many Christians dont share their faith because they think the lost are already happy. The truth is – they are not happy. They are dying without Jesus Christ. You hold the keys to the News that can change their life! You have the Gospel. The Bible says, “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.” Are you shining your light? Just think – if you dont share Gods truth and love with the people in your life, who will?

Washing Feet

How often do you ask someone “How are you?” and they respond, “fine.” But you know that person doesnt mean it. Their facial expression or tone tells you theyre actually not “fine” at all. But, instead of coming alongside to help bear their burden, we often walk away. The problem with excusing ourselves from reaching out with the love of Jesus Christ is that we can get in Gods way. When we dont tell people about Jesus, we prevent the healing work He wants to accomplish through us.

The Bible tells that Jesus Christ washed His disciples feet. When He finished He said, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” The kind of foot washing Christ is talking about is more than a physical act. It is a humbling of our heart. Its a willingness to set aside our personal agenda, to reach out to someone who is hurting or lacking peace.

Whose feet do you need to wash? Today, will you lend a listening ear and compassionate heart? Whose burden will you bear? And as you do, ask God to present you with the opportunity to share His Good News.

The Motionless Man

Bill Fuqua is the Motionless Man. Fuqua is the Guinness Book of World Records champion at doing nothing! During his routines at shopping malls and amusement parks he appears so motionless that he is sometimes mistaken for a mannequin.

It saddens me that many Christians today resemble the Motionless Man. They stand around when they should be actively sharing the joy theyve found in Jesus Christ. Has anyone ever questioned whether youre a real Christian? Perhaps you are following the example of the Motionless Man. It is impossible to serve as Christs ambassadors while remaining passive at the same time.

The Bible says the first step in the Christian life is confessing that Jesus is Lord. If you have done this, your faith journey is not over; its only just begun! Every subsequent step in the Christian life involves obeying Jesus as Lord. The Bible tells us, “We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands.” God has not called you to be like the Motionless Man. He has called you to action! Today, I hope you move ahead as His ambassador. May you enjoy the excitement of obeying Him and inviting people into His Kingdom!