A Unique Purpose
Each of us is specifically crafted for various functions of Gods work – which is the work of reconciling the world to Himself. In the same way that a car requires all kinds of parts in order to move and serve its purpose, we each are one part that serve a purpose.
Each of us is created to serve a function in the body of Christ. We all have a role. Some are the mouthpiece; others act in service or hospitality. Some are apologists, others teachers, but we all have a purpose. But, whatever our function may be, we each have the role of sharing our faith.
Paul writes in II Corinthians, “all of us have the same ministry of reconciliation.” We all share the responsibility of reaching others with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
This week, pray for clarity. Ask God to use you within your specific gifts and skill set to reach your world for Jesus Christ. When you minister through your gifts, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, the results will amaze you.