Financial Stability

There seem to be two dominant ideologies among Christians regarding money; people either think riches are evil, or they think that they are a sign of true devotion to God. Neither of these can be found anywhere in the Bible. The Bible says that the “love of money is the root of all evil,” not money itself. Money is neutral.

A biblical perspective is that everything we have is ultimately Gods. Even our money. The book of James says, “every good and perfect gift comes from above.” If you view your money as a gift, you will be generous, not stingy. And you know, you will have joy regardless of your financial situation.

Worshipping money only leads to worry and despair. Worship God regardless of what your finances look like, and you will be a tremendous example to those who dont know Him. The Good News of Jesus Christ is a great thing to share when someone has lost everything and they dont know where to turn. Look for a friend in need of hope today and explain to them why you have true peace. You will never regret it.


Mark was an accomplished police officer. He had studied and succeeded academically. He thrived in his career. And the more he accomplished, the more he sought to accomplish, because it never seemed to be enough. Each successive achievement failed to provide the satisfaction he was looking for, and he couldnt figure it out.

After his wife convinced him to attend one of our events, he realized that he had been looking for the peace that could only come from Christ.

While being successful isnt wrong, being successful apart from God is hollow. Jesus said, “Indeed there are those who are last who will be first, and first who will be last.” If you are successful, give glory to God for your successes, and seek to honor Him with your life. If you arent labeled a success story, in the worlds eyes, dont despair, because true success is anything that pleases God. If you or someone you know is living the life that Mark lived, realize that true satisfaction can only be found in Jesus Christ, and no amount of accolades, college degrees, or promotions at work will fill the void in your soul. Share this glorious truth with someone in your life today.

Haunting Questions

Psychology students at a major American university were worried
about their exam. Their fears dissipated when the professor pointed to the blackboard and announced “Thats the exam.” On the blackboard appeared a single question: “Why?” The students feverishly wrote answers to that immense question. In the end, only one student passed. At the top of his paper, he had written his name and this reply: “Why not?”

Why? The question haunts many today. They, too, scramble to make sense of life, often turning to Eastern religions or away from
any religion at all. The God of the Bible is the only One who knows the answers to lifes big questions. Gods Word tells us, “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever.”

The Bible contains Gods revelation to all mankind. It contains the answers to the whys of life and provides us with hope for the future. So if you know someone who is desperately searching for answers, point them to the Bible. Offer to read it with them. Dont be afraid of not having all the answers. God will show the way.


Once the Apostle Paul became a Christian, he decided to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with as many as possible. He sacrificed the possibility of having a family, or a comfortable home, or any sort of wealth, so he could travel the world and reach the masses. He was thrown in jail, viciously beaten, stoned, and eventually beheaded.

Does that sound like an easy life? Becoming a Christian does not mean things will suddenly go well for you- but sadly, many people are taught this. In fact, after you become a Christian, things could get worse. It may be worse for the rest of your life. The difference is that you will have the God of the Universe with you to give you courage, strength, peace and comfort.

Interestingly, Paul, who suffered many trials, wrote the New Testament book of Philippians- a letter about joy! He wrote in Philippians, “…my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” Dont expect life to be rosy when you follow Jesus Christ. Just expect Him to be with you! And just like Paul, you will have reason to rejoice even in bad situations. Share this inexplicable joy with a friend today.

The Appearance of Perfection

Do you know someone who seems absolutely perfect? You know the kind of person Im talking about… They have successful careers, big and beautiful homes, polite children, and striking good looks. Have you told them about Jesus Christ, even though they seem to have everything put together?

Christians often desire to help the poor, the lonely, and the heart-broken. But what about the rich, with loving families, and great social lives?

I was not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but by all outward appearances my life was going well. I had a mask that I wore convincingly for 27 years – and I may have seemed like I had it all together. But inside I was falling apart! My soul was broken, and I was miserable. Dont assume that things are okay just because they look that way.

Who looks put together to you? Do they know Jesus? If not, then they are hurting, even if they dont look like it. True life and life in abundance comes only from Jesus Christ. So today, reach out to that person in your life who seems to have all the answers and tell them of Jesus Christ and His love for them.