A Vision for Evangelism

At the end of World War II, Robert Woodruff declared, “In my generation it is my desire that everyone in the world have a taste of Coca Cola.” Talk about vision! Today Coca Cola(r) is sold from the deserts of Africa to the interior of China. Why? Because Woodruff motivated his colleagues to reach their generation around the world for Coke(r).

How big is your vision? Have you ever dreamed about what God could do through you to help win the world to Jesus Christ in our generation? Evangelism is not just a job for missionaries and super Christians. Were all commanded to “make disciples of all nations.”

Of course, not everyone can travel to the ends of the earth and share Christ. But we all can pray and share the Good News with those around us. Whatever our place in the body of Christ, lets enlarge our vision to invite one more person into Gods kingdom. After all, God doesnt have a Plan A, a Plan B, and a Plan C for evangelizing the world. He has only one plan–and thats you and me.

Never Give Up

As a young man, I was excited about preaching the Good News. I prayed, I studied, I preached, but felt frustrated by lack of results. No one was coming to Jesus Christ. The day came when I decided I didnt have the gift of evangelism and determined never again to preach the Good

Soon after my decision, the small church I attended held a home Bible study. The teacher never showed up and, though unprepared, I was recruited. I read Matthew 5:1-12, then repeated whatever I remembered from a book by Billy Graham I had been reading.

When I read “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God,” a woman stood up. Crying, she said, “My heart is not pure. How can I see God? Somebody tell me how I can get a pure heart.” How delightful it was to lead her to Jesus Christ!

You may think your words have little, if any, influence on others. Dont give up. Keep on witnessing and praying. You are planting seeds. And one day, that seed will be ready to harvest and someone will cry out to you, “How can I see God?”

Excuses, Excuses

Two young men stood shivering in the cold, ignoring the vulgarities being flung at them. The crowd, most of them drunk, refused to listen to their message of Jesus Christ.

Finally, Frederick S. Arnot, with tears running down his face, acknowledged defeat. He and his friend turned to leave. Suddenly a tall, elderly man grabbed Arnots shoulder, smiled warmly and said quietly, “Keep at it, laddie; God loves to hear men speak well of His

With that encouragement, the two Scottish lads squared their shoulders and returned. It wasnt long before the rowdy crowd began to pay attention to the message the boys wanted to share.

God loves to hear men and women speak well of His Son. Yet how easy it is for us to become silent, ineffective ambassadors for Christ! Do you speak well of Gods Son? Dont let discouragement or lack of results stand in the way. Pray as the apostle Paul did that you will “fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel.”

Speak Well of God’s Son

Two young men stood shivering in the cold, ignoring the vulgarities being flung at them. The crowd, most of them drunk, refused to listen to their message of Jesus Christ.

Finally, Frederick S. Arnot, with tears running down his face, acknowledged defeat. He and his friend turned to leave. Suddenly a tall, elderly man grabbed Arnots shoulder, smiled warmly and said quietly, “Keep at it, laddie; God loves to hear men speak well of His

With that encouragement, the two Scottish lads squared their shoulders and returned. It wasnt long before the rowdy crowd began to pay attention to the message the boys wanted to share.

God loves to hear men and women speak well of His Son. Yet how easy it is for us to become silent, ineffective ambassadors for Christ! Do you speak well of Gods Son? Dont let discouragement or lack of results stand in the way. Pray as the apostle Paul did that you will “fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel.”

Stretch Yourself

My wife Wendy and I attend a weekly Bible study with good friends. One weekend Wendy decided to host a party so that we could invite new people to join our study. We could have just continued week-after-week with the usual attendees, but she wasnt content with that. Some people would rather just have their little group to themselves, but that certainly isnt what Jesus modeled.

The Bible doesnt tell us to be comfortable- the Bible commands us to reach our world. Jesus was known for hanging out with some interesting people. Among others, he spent time with prostitutes and tax collectors. Not exactly the godly, church-going types.”
Jesus did this because he came to “seek and save the lost.” His daily interactions were living proof of His mission.

Lets make reaching out to the lost our mission as well! The Bible says in Romans that the Good News is “the power of God for salvation.”

When you realize the power in the Good News, youll want to reach out to those you wouldnt normally spend time with. Look for a way that you can expand your circle this week. Youll never regret stepping out of your comfort zone for the cause of Christ