A Vision for Evangelism
At the end of World War II, Robert Woodruff declared, “In my generation it is my desire that everyone in the world have a taste of Coca Cola.” Talk about vision! Today Coca Cola(r) is sold from the deserts of Africa to the interior of China. Why? Because Woodruff motivated his colleagues to reach their generation around the world for Coke(r).
How big is your vision? Have you ever dreamed about what God could do through you to help win the world to Jesus Christ in our generation? Evangelism is not just a job for missionaries and super Christians. Were all commanded to “make disciples of all nations.”
Of course, not everyone can travel to the ends of the earth and share Christ. But we all can pray and share the Good News with those around us. Whatever our place in the body of Christ, lets enlarge our vision to invite one more person into Gods kingdom. After all, God doesnt have a Plan A, a Plan B, and a Plan C for evangelizing the world. He has only one plan–and thats you and me.