Lies from Satan

I was reading through notes people wrote to me after a festival and one comment in particular jumped out to me. It said, “Andrew really spoke to my heart when he talked about Satan making me feel like a failure.” You know, that comment is really typical! I run into people facing the lies of Satan frequently.

The Bible says that Satan is the “Father of Lies.” He really is a liar, and he is a very real enemy when you go out to reach your world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. He doesnt want you to share your faith, so hell lie to you to try to make you quit.

When you start feeling like, “Im not smart enough to talk with that person,” or “who am I to share?” recognize those thoughts are lies of Satan. Jesus can and will use you. So, dont back down. You will have victory over Satan when you walk in the powr of Jesus. Dont believe the lies.

Step out in boldness, today. Believe the truth that Jesus Christ calls you to share the Good News and that the Holy Spirit is speaking through you. The Holy Spirit will enable and empower you as you go. So, dont quit. Reject the lies of Satan this week, and step up and share your faith.

Maturity, Not Perfection

When Jesus Christ called Peter to be an apostle, Peters name was Simon. But Jesus told him, “You will be called Peter, and on this rock I will build my church” [Matthew 16:18]. Simon wasnt a “rock” at the time, but God was committed to making him one.

If we want God to use us to help people know Him better, we must be willing to let Him change us. We must be willing to let go of our old ways. Are you a Simon? Or a Peter? Are you a loud, opinionated, self-sufficient church member? Or are you a fruitful, gracious, Christ-controlled individual?

Maturity doesnt mean perfection. When Peter received the fullness of the Holy Spirit, he was not sinless, but he was growing and maturing. Colossians 3 tells us, “Put to death whatever belongs to your earthly nature,” and, instead, have compassion, humility, forgiveness, and love.

We will never be perfect until the day of Jesus Christ, but we should be controlled by the indwelling Christ and growing daily.

All God Wants

Many Christians believe they have done something so bad they do not deserve to have the Lord use them. But when a Christian has such deep concern, it proves that the living Lord God is still at work in his or her life.

In John 21, Jesus Christ asked Peter three times, “Do you love me?” The first two times, Jesus used “agape,” which means “perfect love.” But Peter replied with “phileo,” which means “friend.” He knew he could not love perfectly. His arrogance was gone.

So when Jesus asked the third time, He used the word Peter had used, “phileo”–“friendship.” Christ changed His question for Peter. He did not demand more of Peter than Peter could give. But Peter was, in fact, giving all that Christ desires of a believer: an honest, contrite, and humble heart.

Thats exactly what God wants from you and me. In Scripture the Lord says: “A humble and contrite heart I will not despise.” So lets come honestly and humbly before God, and Hell use us in His kingdom work.

Do You Love Me?

Can we mess up so badly that God will never use us again? Not a chance! When we humbly recognize our failures and truly repent, God continues to use us. Look at Peter, the disciple who blundered the most.

Before Jesus Christ was arrested, Peter swore he would go to the death for Jesus. But when the time came to prove it, Peter vehemently denied knowing Christ. He then went back to his old job-fishing. Peters denial was so severe, he must have thought the Lord was through with him.

Instead, after His resurrection, Jesus found Peter again. Like the first time, Peter was fishing-and had caught nothing. The Lord stepped into his life, and everything changed! When Peter once again discovered the barrenness of self-effort, the Lord showed up. In John 21, Jesus asked, “Peter, do you love me?” Then He told Peter to feed His sheep.

What about you? Do you love the Lord? He still wants to use you, no matter what youve done.

Use Me? But I’ve Sinned

My wife and I know a woman who, when she was a young widow, had an affair. She became pregnant and had a little boy. Ashamed and guilty, she stopped going to church and moved to a large city in another state. One day, this repentant woman began attending church again. Every week, she sat in the back pew and wept.

Several elders noticed. Finding out what she had done, they told her: “You are obviously repentant. God has forgiven you. You dont have to feel guilty. Let us restore you into the fellowship of the church because youre forgiven!” As a restored Christian, this woman began being used by God to lead scores of individuals to Jesus Christ. The impact of her life was remarkable!

Have you wandered from the Lord? Dont give up on yourself and on God. Psalm 25 asks, “Who, then, is the man that fears the Lord? [The Lord] will instruct him in the way chosen for him.” When we humbly recognize our failures and truly repent, God continues to use us. Count on it!