Nothing is Impossible

A while ago my team led an evangelistic campaign in the Soviet Union. One evening a Baptist pastor brought a friend with him. This man was a professor at the university and a leading scientist. He listened as I preached the Gospel. Then, to the pastors joy, this scientist prayed out loud to receive Jesus Christ. With tears, he came forward to publicly confess Christ. The Russian pastor was astonished at his friends open response to the Gospel. Do you know someone like that? Someone you think will never accept Jesus Christ? Over the years I have learned that some of the people I thought would be the most closed to the Good News are often the most receptive. Although they may act like they dont want to hear the Good News, their hearts really do. The Bible says that God is patient, “not wanting anyone to perish, but EVERYONE to come to repentance.” God is working even in the person you think will never come to Jesus. We must never give up telling them about Jesus. For, as the Bible says, “nothing is impossible with God.”

Excuses, Excuses

When I lived in Mexico City, I would chat occasionally with my next-door neighbor. But I didnt share the Gospel with him. I told myself that I didnt need to talk to him about Jesus because he seemed happy just as he was. In time, my neighbor changed. The joy left his face. He and his wife started driving separate cars to work. I could tell their marriage was souring. I felt I should talk with him, but I didnt want to meddle in his life. I went about my business and headed off for an evangelistic crusade in Peru. When I returned home, I learned my neighbor had killed himself. I was heartbroken. I knew I should have gone to him and persuaded him to repent and follow Christ. But, because of silly excuses, I didnt do it. We must not make excuses for not telling people about Jesus Christ. The Bible says Christians are, “Christs ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.” Friends, lets be bold in our faith! Dont do what I did. Dont walk past an opportunity to tell someone about Jesus. The world is literally dying without Jesus Christ.

The Thrill of a Lifetime

Your graduation is exciting, your wedding day is exciting, your first baby is exciting. But the most thrilling thing you can ever do is win someone to Jesus Christ. It is the greatest joy a Christian can experience! Yet today, in an effort to be sophisticated and not offend anyone, many Christians have stopped telling other people about Jesus Christ. We dont want to offend people, appear strange, or lose status so we make excuses and then often end up doing nothing. In the Bible, Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” As Christians, we know Jesus words are Truth. Even if society changes, He does not! And since we live with an eternal perspective, we are not bound by what is popular today and unpopular tomorrow. Therefore, we are free to share the key to eternal life, no matter what other people think. It is a privilege and an honor! In winning someone to Jesus, you will experience the thrill of a lifetime! Will you do it today?

Sharing Our Faith isn’t Easy

Sharing our faith isnt always easy – I know! As a young man, I was convinced I didnt have the gift of evangelism. No matter how hard I tried, no one was coming to faith in Jesus Christ. I remember giving God a deadline: “If I dont see any converts by the end of the year, Im quitting.” I would still be an active Christian, but I planned to resign myself from striving to win the lost to Jesus Christ. The end of the year came and went. No converts. Now I was SURE I didnt have the gift of evangelism. Then, about four days into the new year, I met someone who said, “Please tell me how I can get a pure heart.” Together we looked at the Bible. It says, “The blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from every sin.” That was the answer! That evening, this person found peace with God and went home with a pure heart overflowing with joy. How delightful it was to lead this person to Jesus Christ! You can do the same. YOU can lead someone to faith in Jesus Christ. But you must boldly ask God to use you. And then you must respond when He gives you the opportunity. He will help you, but you must first be willing.