Nothing is Impossible
A while ago my team led an evangelistic campaign in the Soviet Union. One evening a Baptist pastor brought a friend with him. This man was a professor at the university and a leading scientist. He listened as I preached the Gospel. Then, to the pastors joy, this scientist prayed out loud to receive Jesus Christ. With tears, he came forward to publicly confess Christ. The Russian pastor was astonished at his friends open response to the Gospel. Do you know someone like that? Someone you think will never accept Jesus Christ? Over the years I have learned that some of the people I thought would be the most closed to the Good News are often the most receptive. Although they may act like they dont want to hear the Good News, their hearts really do. The Bible says that God is patient, “not wanting anyone to perish, but EVERYONE to come to repentance.” God is working even in the person you think will never come to Jesus. We must never give up telling them about Jesus. For, as the Bible says, “nothing is impossible with God.”