Just Do It

The indwelling, living Holy Spirit longs to lead you and I in successful evangelism. Romans 8:14 tells us this. It says these fabulous words, “…those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.” There you have it – the Holy Spirit of God leads us in every situation, every day. Isnt that awesome?

Now, being led by the Spirit takes some practice. As we learn more about the Lord, and grow in our relationship with Him, we begin discerning His voice. In fact, Gods Spirit is calling you today – right now! Do you recognize His voice?

If you feel Him prodding you in a certain direction, do what He says. When the Spirit puts a thought in your heart, do it as quickly as you possibly can. Dont delay. Dont start analyzing and wondering where the thought came from.

Just do it and see what will happen. When you obey, youll experience exciting results in your evangelism efforts. And youll also realize that you can, indeed, hear the Lords voice!

As you spend time in the Word, and in prayer, youll be more conscious of the Holy Spirits presence. Then, when He leads you to share Gods love with your world, youll know what to do! And the results will be changed lives!

He’s at Work

Galatians 2:20 is one of my absolute favorite verses. “I have been crucified with Christ,” the apostle Paul says, “and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God…” Notice how plainly Paul puts it: Christ lives in me. Do you realize the magnitude of that reality?

The power of Jesus flows through you and me – every moment of every day – touching people everywhere we go.

In fact, even when youre not aware thats Jesus is working, Hes still at work. Sometimes the best evangelism results come when you dont think youre being used. You walk into a situation, do what youre supposed to do, and suddenly things begin to happen. Its so exciting!

Jesus can work through you anywhere you go – at the office, at the club, in the neighborhood. Just be yourself in Christ and people will notice something different. Its really that simple. You dont have to put on an act. You dont have to pretend that youre a Christian. You are one! Jesus Christ is alive in you today!

So, as you walk with God today, remember that Hes working through – right now! Let the truth of that sink in! May it motivate you to continue reaching your world for Jesus Christ.

Bearing Fruit

We all long to bear fruit for Jesus Christ, dont we? Thankfully, Jesus very succinctly gives us the key to being fruitful: In John 15:5 He says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

So there it is – thats the answer! Remain in Jesus Christ and you will bear much fruit. Stick close to the Lord. Learn about Him. Let Him nourish you like a vine nourishes its branches. Talk with Jesus. Read and meditate on the Holy Word of God.

As we do these things, we are literally growing in Jesus Christ. Its the key to fruitfulness. And a fruitful disciple cant help but draw others to the Lord.

Jesus promises that as we remain attached to the vine – to Him – we will bear much fruit. Not just a little fruit. Not just a few pieces here and there. But, Christ promises that there will bear lots and lots of fruit! Isnt that exciting?

All this happens by simply walking with the Lord throughout your daily life. You love your family, you respect co-workers, and youre aware that Jesus Christ is opening doors and using you. And that, my friend, is bearing much fruit! What could be better than that?