God is Among Us

You know every time that you, by the Holy Spirit, open your mouth to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, you should expect that something eternal is going to happen in this persons life. One of the signs of faith is that you simply believe in the power of the Word of God, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the power of the words that He gives you to speak. God is at work at that moment and therefore you expect something grand to happen, something eternal, something of significance- that eternity itself will never erase. There shall be results, because God is speaking through you.

I love 1 Corinthians 14:25, it says that “the secrets of his heart will be laid bare, he will fall down and worship God exclaiming, God is really among you.” And you know thats one of the results that we all hope to see when we share the Good News, isnt it?

And yet we feel so incapable in ourselves- so impotent, so to speak, to do the job- but the Holy Spirit of God does His part, and when you share the Good News, simply believe and expect, by faith, because the Bible says so, that the person listening would say, “God is really with you. God is really here and Hes speaking to me.” He may not fall on his face physically, but in his heart he will repent, and honor God.

The Spirit through You

Have you ever noticed a very, very wonderful verse in Matthew 10? It says, “It is the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.” When you are sharing the Good News with someone, never forget that. Because its really God, who wants to have an encounter with the person that youre talking to- through the Holy Word of God, through the Divine voice of God speaking through you, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

In other words, when youre sharing a Bible verse, or trying to explain what the cross of Jesus means, or the resurrection, or the blood of Jesus Christ, or His power to forgive you and to change you, remember- God the Father, by the Holy Spirit, is speaking through you. And the most amazing thought is this, God is using me to bring this person to an encounter with God Himself.

It isnt just hot air, it isnt just words, it isnt just argument- its actually the Spirit of God longing to bring an encounter between God the Father, and this person that youre talking to. So, speak with authority, speak with joy, and remember that God is speaking through you by the Holy Spirit, and therefore God will do a deep work in that persons life. That is so exciting, dont you think?

Your Competence Comes from God

As you and I try to reach our world, all of us do get nervous sharing the faith of Jesus Christ. So, as I told you a few days ago, I always think to myself, God is being glorified. Number 2, I have authority- the power of the Holy Spirit. And today, for just one minute, you have to remind yourself that you have confidence and that you are decisive by faith in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Listen to 2 Corinthians 3, “Such confidence as this is ours, through Christ before God, not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.” Man, do I like that verse. Our competence comes from God.

So, when you share the Good News, remember, its not really you speaking, though God is using your voice and your mind and your thoughts, its the Holy Spirit of God and therefore you can speak with confidence. You speak decisively, you speak humbly, but the important thing is confidence in the Word of God. Confidence in the Holy Spirit of God. And confidence in that God Himself wants to turn this person back to Jesus Christ.

So, the next time you share the Good News, remember do it humbly but with confidence because your competence comes from God, not from yourself.

The Power of the Holy Spirit

Today once again I want to talk about all of us who get nervous when we have to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Whether its preaching it to a group, doing a Bible Study, or one on one. I always remind myself that I have divine authority to share the Good News.

Remember Acts chapter 1 verse 8? Jesus said just before He ascended back to Heaven, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth.”

Authority- thats what power is all about. And you know- the power that Jesus gives us, is the power that we know His will, we know His Word, we have the fire of the Holy Spirit who lives in us, and therefore when we open our mouth, and quote a Bible verse, and encourage the person youre witnessing to, to surrender their heart to Christ, to be honest and admit that theyve sinned against God, but that Jesus Christ on the cross gave His blood to purify us from our sins.

Remember you have authority that youre not even aware of. Its the authority of the Holy Spirit that is at work in you even though you sometimes dont notice it.

So, go forward, and remember, you can share with authority because you have the power of the Holy Spirit.

God is Being Glorified

You know sharing the Good News is an adventure. I found it so since I decided as a teenager that I really, really wanted to share the good news of Jesus Christ. But you know just like everybody else, even though Ive been at it now for fifty some years of my life, I still get nervous when I go into the adventure of sharing the Good News.

Its not that I dont trust God- I certainly do; its that I dont trust myself. Thats why I get nervous. But you know one of the things that Ive done all through my life when I went to give a message that proclaims the Good News, or when I went to talk to somebody as I walked into their office to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, I remind myself of this one particular phrase. And its this- God is being glorified.

Hes being glorified because Im trying to share Jesus Christ. Hes being glorified through me because Christ lives in me, and the Holy Spirit is going to use me. God is in me, He is here, He is here now, God is among us- me and the person Im going to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

And in Romans 15 it says, “So that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

So, when you go to share the good news, dont be surprised that youre nervous, its an eternal issue. But remind yourself, God is being glorified.