Christ’s Forgiveness

I know a very successful businessman named Jay Coughlan. He and his father used to go on a yearly fishing trip that always included lots of drinking. During one of these trips, Jay and his dad stopped at a bar on their way home.

When they hit the road again, Jay was so drunk that he ran through a railroad crossing — right as a train was coming. The train smashed into them, destroyed the car, and Jays father died on the spot.

In the hospital, Jays guilt was overwhelming. He had never thought much about God, but lying there he said, “Im going to hell. This is the ultimate crime.”

Just then, a preacher came into Jays room. He told Jay, “Mr. Coughlan, God loves you. He wants to forgive you and give you eternal life.”

Jay swore at the Pastor and said, “I just killed my father! How can God ever forgive me?” But the man explained the Good News very simply. And Jay accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior.

Today, Jay shares his story with other businessmen, explaining the Good News of Gods forgiveness and grace. The Lord is using Jays experience to bring others to the Lord. What a great example of the powerful, on-going effects of evangelism!

Who can you tell about the Lord? Will you do it today?

Faithful Prayers

One of my four sons, Andrew, rebelled for years. Many people prayed for Andrew, including friends of mine in Portland, Oregon, whom I meet with once a month. All these guys faithfully prayed for Andrew for 15 years.

Then, at age 27, Andrew finally repented and surrendered his life to Jesus Christ. My friends were so excited! They wanted to meet him and throw a party for him, so they invited Andrew to our group.

When Andrew arrived, he was overwhelmed with emotion. He realized these men had prayed earnestly for his salvation — without ever seeing his face. As it says in the book of James, “The prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective.”

Today, Andrew travels all over the world, sharing the story of how God redeemed his life. Because of his own conversion, thousands are making decisions to follow Jesus Christ when he tells them the message of Gods Good News. Isnt it exciting to think how one changed life can impact so many others?

As you pray for your loved ones, dont give up! Imagine how many people may come to Christ through their conversions. The ripple effect of your witness today, will go beyond your wildest hopes and prayers!

From Death to Life

Steve McQueen was a famous movie star in the 50s. He was also a crazy guy, a womanizer, a wild man in Hollywood. One day, years ago, Billy Graham told me that Steve McQueen called him up. He said, Mr. Graham, Im dying of cancer and I dont know God. Please come and talk with me. So Billy went to see him.

When Mr. Graham arrived, he said that Steve was just skin and bones. Steve told Billy, Ive had three wives and Ive fooled around with many women. Ive been unfaithful. Ive been a drunk. Can God forgive me?

Billy Graham explained Romans 10:9 to him: If you believe in your heart, and confess Jesus Christ with your lips, He comes into your life. Hell forgive you and give you eternal life. Then Mr. Graham led Steve in a prayer to open his heart to Jesus Christ. A few days later, Steve died.

What an impact his story must have had on the entertainment world! Im sure Steve McQueen is the last person many people imagined would convert to Christianity. But God is able to do “immeasurably more than anything we can ask or imagine.”

So dont give up on the person in your life who seems the furthest from the Lord. God can touch anyones heart, and He wants to use you and me in the process! Let God use you to win a soul for Him.

Godly Multiplication

I have a friend named Stephen Baldwin. Hes an actor in Hollywood. Stephen told me he used to be a pretty wild guy. Hed go to parties and nightclubs and was into a lot of drugs and drinking. Then one day, a Brazilian nanny came to live with him and his wife to help take care of their two girls. This woman, Augusta, was a cheerful Christian. She constantly sang songs about Jesus. Because of her witness, when the horrific events of 9/11 occurred in New York, Stephen and his family turned to Jesus!

Of course, Stephens lifestyle changed instantly. He didnt go to nightclubs and drink all the time. Suddenly he changed. It was very visible that something had happened to him. You should see Stephen now! He shares the Good News wherever he goes, especially with skateboarders and BMX bikers.

Stephen has a new life because Augusta invested in his soul. She was a fabulous example of 2nd Timothy 1:8: “Do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord.” Because Augusta shared her faith, Stephen Baldwin was changed forever. And now hes leading many young kids to Jesus. Thats what I call Godly multiplication! Let God use you to lead someone to His side – they may end up telling hundreds of others about the Lord.

You Might Fail, but Jesus Never Will

You know, trying to reach your world isnt always easy, is it? I mean even Ive been at it for over 50 years and sometimes I feel very nervous.

For instance, someone might say to you, “Im afraid that Im going to fail the Lord and therefore I cannot surrender to Him. I dont want to be a hypocrite and I dont want to fail God. Therefore, I will not surrender to Christ.” How do you answer that?

Well, I like the phrase from an old hymn, “Jesus never fails.” And in I Thessalonians 5 it says, “May God Himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faith and He will do it.”

What you need to say to a person when they say they are afraid they wont hang on and theyll stumble and fail and dishonor God is, “Yes, thats the way Ive always felt, but I dont rely on myself, it is God who is faithful and He is the one who will do it. I simply will receive Him into my heart, I will walk with Him, and He will come into my life and He will keep me faithful as I follow Him according to the Word of God.

Jesus Never Fails. Dont forget to share that with someone you are trying to lead to Christ.