Representing the King

Every believer in the eyes of God is positioned as a king or a queen. The Bible says in Rom. 5:17 that we should “reign in life through Christ.”

We are to live as not only members of His kingdom, but we also reign. There is authority with this because we are reigning as ruling kings and ruling queens. That means that wherever we go theres a space over which the Lord has given us authority.

That space may be at your office cubicle, at the factory, or at home with your children. But wherever God takes you, He has put you there to represent Himself with authority, as well as with dignity.

Essentially, the Lord is saying: “When you get a chance to speak, remember I have appointed you a king. This is your piece of the kingdom. Speak well of me. Speak clearly of me. Speak by your conduct, speak words that carry authority, because you have the authority of the Spirit.”

We were meant to reign in this life, and when we can grasp that understanding, the witnessing power is great. So no matter where you find yourself throughout the day, remember that the real reason youre there is to represent the King of kings and Lord of Lords. This truth can revolutionize your life, and the lives of those God puts around you.

Glory in Christ

Did you know that as a follower of Jesus, you are a king or queen? Its true! Romans 8:16 says, “The spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are Gods children. Now, if we are children then we are heirs – heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ.” Jesus Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords, and were heirs in His kingdom! Verse 17 goes on to say, “in order that we may also share in His glory.”

There is a glory to the Christian when he sees himself or herself in the position of royalty. Theres a glow. Its not something you put on. Its just there. When you act like a king or queen, people recognize your spiritual, quiet authority.

To me, my father-in-law was a great example of this kind of authority. He wasnt a talker at all. He simply cared for his wife, worshipped the Lord in the church, and he gave his tithe. But what I especially loved about him was he would always invite his old college buddies to hear my evangelistic messages. He prayed they would be saved, and some of them were. Now he was no big mouth. Just a quiet highway engineer, but in my book he lived for God all the days of his life. Thats being the light of the world, and thats the glory of God in a man.

Christians and Priests

Many of you have heard the verse in Hebrews that says we have only one high priest, and his name is Jesus Christ. He is the Son of God. But did you know that all believers are also priests in the eyes of God? We all have equal access to the Heavenly Father. With the new covenant, God ordained that Christians dont have priests — Christians are priests.

There are three things that priests do according to Scripture: They worship God, intercede for others, and minister according to the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Every one of us is given gifts according to our position and the Lords choice, to use for His glory.

If you take your priesthood seriously, theres no telling what God could do with your life and your gifts. So, pray today that God would do powerful deeds through you to reach the lost. As you do, He will begin to open doors that you never envisioned. You will begin to witness for Christ with power and authority. And to witness simply means to tell what youve seen and heard. By accepting your priestly role, youll be astonished at the power that will be unleashed, and the lives that will be changed.

Bob Hunter’s Prayer

If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, you are also a priest. Peter 2:5 says, “you also … are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood.” And one of the jobs of being a priest is prayer and intercession.

A friend of mine, Doug Coe, told me that he challenged a new Christian named Bob to pray for Africa for 45 days. So Bob started praying every day, “God, help Africa.” After about three weeks of prayer, Bob meets an African American lady and learns that she runs an orphanage in Uganda. She pleads with him to come see the orphans and maybe as a businessman he could do something. So he flies to Uganda, looks at the kids, and of course his heart breaks. He comes back home and begins to do all sorts of things for the orphanage.

Then one day, the president of Uganda calls and asks him to return to Uganda because of the work hes done for the orphans. So Bob goes back to Africa and befriends the President. Through their friendship, the president ends up releasing numerous all his political prisoners who had unjustly been imprisoned.

What an amazing story! Yet this could happen to you, too! When you take your priesthood seriously, theres no telling what God could do with your life, and whom you may touch with His Spirit.