Leaving a Legacy

Moses left the children of Israel a legacy of faithfulness. He was obedient to Gods call on His life to free the Hebrew slaves and lead them to the Promised Land. Deuteronomy 34:12 says, “For no one has ever shown the mighty power or performed the awesome deeds that Moses did in the sight of all Israel.” Thats a legacy!

In some ways, Moses reminds me of my dad. My dad received Christ at the age of 24 as a result of a missionary named Mr. Rogers. Only nine years later, my dad died. But what a legacy he left in those few, yet powerful, years! Mr. Rogers and my dad started local churches in nine towns outside of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He also built a chapel in each of those towns. In addition they held street and tent meetings – sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. My dad lived a life that left me, and those he touched, a legacy of faithfulness and evangelism. He shared the Good News up until the day he died.

We can all live a life that counts if we surrender to Gods call for us. God has glorious ministry opportunities in store for you and for me. He wants us to lead people into a relationship with Himself, setting souls free from sin and death. So, what kind of legacy will you leave behind? Will people remember you as one who evangelized?

Trust and Obey

Can you imagine what Moses and the Hebrews must have felt like when they faced the Red Sea? Pharaoh had finally let them out of Egypt, but now they were caught between the Egyptian army behind them and the sea in front of them.

I can imagine Moses must have thought, “Lord, what now?” But Moses trusted and obeyed the Lords commands. All this demanded great faith. And it worked! Hebrews 11:29 tells us, “By faith the people passed through the Red Sea as on dry land.”

So how does this Old Testament story relate to us as we try to reach our world for Christ? The message is that God will take care of the impossible obstacles if we get going and simply trust and obey. He is fully capable of stepping into our situation. He can step in when He calls you to share your spiritual story with someone.

You may be in fear just like Moses and the Israelites. But if God leads you to do a task for Him, He will bring about a victory — just like he did when he dried up the Red Sea. Not a week before, not even the day before, but at just the right moment when you need it. Our duty is obedience. God always steps in — sometimes in amazing ways beyond what you and I could imagine.

A Calling from God

Im talking about Moses becoming a good example for you and me. Moses had a sense of calling from God. It took many years for that calling to be realized, but once it happened, Moses made history!

Moses brought a million and a half Israelites out of Egypt. The Red Sea parted with a touch of his staff. God used him to set the captives free who had been in bondage for over 400 years!

Do you have an inner sense of calling from God? Each one of us has an idea of how God wants to use us. As followers of Jesus, were commanded to set the captives of Satan free by proclaiming the message of Jesus Christ. And because were all made uniquely with specific gifts, God has a special purpose for you thats different from his purpose for me.

John 15:16 says, “You didnt choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear much fruit, fruit that will last.”

God wants to use you in extraordinary ways to bring others into the Kingdom of Heaven. So whats your calling? Spend time with God. Listen to Him. As you read the Holy Bible, listen to His Word. Get on your knees and say, “God, speak to me. Lay on my heart what am I supposed to do.” I guarantee it! The Lord will show you the next step, and the next, and open up the doors into that great calling for you – just as He did with Moses!

An Unquenchable Fire

It took 40 years in the desert for Moses to learn that he had to depend on God alone for freeing the Israelites. Then, the Lord confirmed His calling to Moses when He appeared to him in the famous burning bush.

Exodus 3:2 says, “Moses saw that though the bush was on fire, it did not burn up.” Have you ever wondered why God appeared in a bush that didnt consume itself? I believe His message to Moses, and to us, is that the fire of the flesh quickly burns out. But the fire of God never goes out.

Moses couldnt be fully used by God until he surrendered his own carnal idea for how he would free Gods people, and humbled himself before God. He realized there was nothing in himself that was going to be powerful enough to confront the Pharaoh. He needed to be filled with the indwelling fire of God Himself.

If you and I want to serve God in evangelism, the only fire that will keep us going is the fire of the indwelling Holy Spirit. The fire of the flesh flickers and dies. A little criticism, a little opposition, a little embarrassment and its easy to give up. But when the fire of God is burning in your heart, you continue on because that fire is the very real living presence of God in us.

It’s Never Too Late

Sometimes we forget how old Moses was when he led the people out of slavery. We imagine he was a fiery young man who spoke and acted with strength and confidence! But did you know that he was 81 years old when he led the charge?

God revealed His plan for Moses during the last part of his life. So what does this have to do with us reaching our world for Jesus? The lesson is that its never too late to be used by God in a mighty way.

Ive talked with many people who are past their youth and feel as if they cant do anything more for the Lord. Perhaps theyve fallen, or messed up somehow, and think that the younger generation are the only ones who can make a difference for Christ. But thats wrong!

We must not live in the past, regretting our failures, our neglect, and even our sins, past or present. They are forgiven. Theyre buried now. Every year we have left, we can and must maximize it for the glory of God.

Ephesians 2:10 says we were “created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” God has a plan for each segment of your life.

No matter what stage of your life you find yourself in, God wants you to be spreading His message of love and forgiveness to a world that is desperate for good news.