Build on the Rock

Many young people today are disillusioned by their own families falling apart. They wonder what’s the point of getting married and having a family of their own. They may think, In my house there’s been drinking. In my house there’s been divorce. Why get married at all?

We need to remind these hurting people of God’s original design for families. As Christians, we can share that no matter what family they may come from, God can redeem and bless the next generation.

The only way to do this, though, is by building individual lives, and homes, on the rock of Jesus Christ.

Look at what the Bible says in the book of Matthew. (7:24) “If you build a house on the rock, the rain may come down, the streams may rise, the winds may blow, but your house will stand because it’s built on the rock.”

We need to encourage young people that their lives can be different, if they have a relationship with Jesus Christ. He can change their hearts. He can change their families.

Ask the Lord to show you a young person who needs to hear this Good News. And then take a step of faith and encourage them that Jesus – the Rock – can get them through any storm.

The Good Samaritan

A Sunday School class was learning about the Good Samaritan. To make the story vivid to the children, teacher told the story in detail, describing how the Samaritan was beaten, robbed, then left for dead. Then she asked the class what they would do if they saw someone on the side of the road, beaten and all bloody. A little girl quietly replied, “I think I’d throw up.”

An Empty Heart – Sharing with an Atheist

The French philosopher, John Paul Sartre, once said, “Man is alone, abandoned to his own destiny.” That’s really an expression of a person who doesn’t know God, isn’t it?

An atheist can be very lonely because, having no connection with a creator, he or she feels very much on their own. I’ve talked with many atheists, East and West, and they’re very lonesome people inside.

Of course, they’re not completely empty in every area of their lives. Often an atheist is contented intellectually in his studies and in his books. Yet there is still a spiritual emptiness and loneliness.

But when you know God, you have a point of reference to all your questions: Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going? God answers them all! He gives you hope and purpose.

Romans 15:13 says that the God of hope will “fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope…”

The next time you’re talking with someone who may be intellectually fulfilled, remember they are still spiritually empty. So offer them the answer to their loneliness through a relationship with Jesus Christ.