Trusting Jesus

I have talked to many people who have fallen into this trap of thinking only “super-Christians” will go to heaven. You know, the pastors and little old grandmas who pray ten hours a day. But, this is not the case at all!

The Bible tells us that no one is worthy, no one is good enough to get into heaven. Romans 3:23 says it like this: “…for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

None of us could ever give enough money, volunteer enough time, pray enough prayers, or do enough “good things” to earn our salvation. God is holy and even our best works are like filthy rags to Him.

But, the Good News is found in the very next verse: Romans 3:24, “we are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.”

The gift of eternal life is completely free, no strings attached. We can go to heaven when we put our trust in Jesus Christ, who died on the cross to pay for our sins.

So, when you explain your faith to your friends, try beginning with this question, “If you were to die tonight and God were to ask you, ‘Why should I let you into heaven?’ what would you say?”

Listen carefully to their response. Then, ask if you can share your personal testimony with them. This is an easy way to communicate the Good News of Jesus Christ to your friends.

Defining Faith

Did you know that when you board an airplane, you are exercising faith? You trust that the airplane will hold together and the pilot will direct it safely to your destination. Every day,

We exercise faith, but most people don’t even realize it. Why is that? It’s because we’ve learned to put our trust in what we believe are trustworthy objects and trustworthy people. That’s the definition of faith: choosing to place our trust in a particular object or person.

However, it’s not really our faith that matters. It’s the object of our faith that is important. Is the pilot an expert? Or is he irresponsible and unreliable? You can put the same amount of faith in each pilot, but what if one of them lets you down?

The same is true of our eternal destiny. Are you trusting in Jesus Christ, God’s Only Son, to get you into heaven? Or, are you trusting in yourself and your good works? We can only get to heaven through Jesus Christ, because the Bible says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” [Romans 6:23]

We all know someone who has not accepted this free gift. Why not start a spiritual conversation with your friend today? Ask him, “What is your definition of faith?” Listen, and then share what the Bible has to say about faith and receiving eternal life. It really is a matter of life and death!

Freedom in Christ

Years ago Mary called in to our live television counseling program. Her story broke my heart…

Mary had been sexually abused as a child by her two brothers. She was now 27 years old and had just separated from her second husband. Her life was a mess because of the abuse. She had tried almost everything to fill the void inside her heart. As I talked with Mary, I told her that the only person who can set her free is Jesus Christ.

“Mary,” I said, “if you give your life to Christ, you will become a new woman. Even your thought life will change. The Bible says we receive the mind of Christ. You could be cleaned in such a way that you’ll be a different woman. Would you like that?”

Mary cried, “Yes, that’s what I want! I want a new heart, a new life, a new everything.” My heart rejoiced as I led Mary in a prayer to make Jesus the center of her life, and to heal her from her past. She became a new woman that night.

There are people all around us who are desperate for the Good News of freedom that Jesus Christ offers. Do you know someone who is struggling with their past? Jesus is the only one who redeems, restores, and renews. So why not offer your friend the hope and healing found in Him alone?

The Family of God

I remember the night I heard Gabriel’s story. He had called in to our live television counseling program. Gabriel told me he felt like he could never live up to his father’s expectations. He said his father never thought he was good enough. So Gabriel looked for a place where he could fit in and feel loved. At 14 years old, he found that acceptance in a street gang.

But Gabriel soon realized this wasn’t the lifestyle that he wanted. He was ready to get out, and was calling to ask for my help. Gabriel had never been to church and knew nothing about the Bible. But when I started telling him about a relationship with Jesus Christ, he was open to the Good News.

I told Gabriel that he could join a new family, the family of God, if he confessed his sins and opened his heart to Jesus Christ. After a few more minutes, Gabriel was ready. What a joy it was to lead him in a prayer to receive the Lord as His Heavenly Father.

Psalm 103:3 says that the Lord “redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion.” Do you know someone who is looking for acceptance and love in all the wrong places? Gently take him aside and share the truth about God’s love. You can be the arms of Jesus, offering him a way out of his despair.

A New Creation

I will never forget the night that I spoke to Maria. It was many years ago on our live call-in television program in El Paso, Texas…

Maria called in with a huge amount of guilt and shame. She was 28 years old, married, and had one child. But she confessed over the phone that she had aborted her second baby. Maria knew it was wrong, but she was under a great deal of stress at the time, and thought it was the best thing to do.

I didn’t have to convince Maria that this was a grievous sin against the Lord. She knew it. The guilt and shame was eating her up inside. She was so broken, and so repentant. She asked me, “Do you think God will ever forgive me for what I did?”

I told her, “Maria, it’s wonderful that you’re so repentant. Hebrews 10 says, ‘Your sins and evil deeds I will remember no more.’ So yes, God will forgive you if you open your heart to Jesus Christ. You can be free and a new woman after tonight.”

God is a good God. He forgave Maria that night when she received Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. Do you know someone who is struggling with guilt and shame? Only Jesus can remove the stain of sin. Who in your life needs to hear the message of freedom and forgiveness that Christ has to offer?