God’s Fulfilment

Maybe you’ve heard the old saying, “God loves you just as you are.” I like how a theologian at Gordon-Conwell follows that up: “But God loves you too much to leave you just as you are.”

I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ at age 12. More than fifty years later, I still struggle with spiritual ups and downs. But even though I know that God loves me just as I am, I also know that He’s going to work me over until His purpose is fulfilled in my life.

Paul tells the Philippians, “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” [Philippians 1:6]. Even in our most barren spiritual seasons, God promises to keep working on us until His holy purpose is fulfilled in our lives.

Have you been discouraged by this spiritual season of life? Take confidence in God’s promise to carry His holy purpose in you to completion. You’ll see His good work in you – and will be able to tell others how God can do the same in them.

One Holy Purpose

It took me a long time to realize God’s holy purpose for my life; but just like the prophet Jeremiah, I did not think I was ready for the responsibility.

When God called Jeremiah, the teenager was doubtful. “I am only a child,” he reminded the Lord. But God knew Jeremiah before He formed him in the womb, and it was time for this young guy to speak God’s truth to the nation Israel. [Jeremiah 1:5-7].

I was also a teenager when I picked up on God’s holy purpose for my life. God said to me – and He says to you today – “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.” Before you came out kicking and screaming, which you probably did, the Lord had already set you apart to fulfill His holy purpose on this earth: to speak God’s truth to the nations.

The sooner we begin fulfilling this holy purpose, the happier and more focused we will be. Share God’s truth with someone today and experience the joy of fulfilling God’s one holy purpose.

A Timely Faith

I recently spoke at a men’s luncheon. Afterward, an elderly gentleman came up to me. He was 77 years old and introduced himself as a retired professor who once was a candidate for a Nobel prize. I asked him, “Do you have eternal life, or are you still on the way?”

He said, “My wife’s going to heaven, and I’m going to hell.” He told me how he had faith as a boy, but lost it at the university. He went 40 years without faith in God, while his wife attended church every week. “It’s too late,” he said. “God will never take me back.”

Right away, I told him the Good News: Jesus died on the cross for our sins. I mentioned Hebrews 10:17, “Their sins and evil deeds I will remember no more.” In response, the professor simply said, “That’s beautiful,” and accepted Jesus Christ into his heart.

Two weeks later, I met his wife. She had attended church all her life. She thought her church attendance would get her into heaven. She had no assurance of eternal life and was constantly worried about letting God down. I explained the Good News of God’s grace and she fully understood it that very day. The difference in their lives now is amazing!

Do you have an elderly friend who does not know God? Pray for them. Seek opportunities to point them to the Cross because, on this side of heaven, it’s never too late to trust Jesus Christ as our Savior. Thank the Lord for that!

A Childlike Faith

Children don’t need to wait until they become adults to make the most important decision in life–to trust Jesus Christ as Savior. The Lord longs to welcome children into his family. That’s why Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” [Matthew 19:14]

The question is: How can we present the Good News to children? One way is to take advantage of every conversation we have with them. Kids have a natural curiosity, which often leads them to ask a million questions.

For example, our youngest son, Stephen, was fascinated with heaven. He would ask questions like: “Where is it?” “Who’s there?” and “How are we going to get there?”

These are great opportunities for us to explain the truth in the Bible. We can use specific Scriptures and say something like, “The Bible says Jesus will come back to take His children to heaven,” or “Jesus said He would prepare a place for us in heaven.”

We can also use illustrations from children’s lives, from nature and from things they deal with every day. Use your imagination and don’t be afraid to say, “I don’t know. Let’s go see what the Bible has to say about it.” Let’s make sure to share with our kids, because the Good News is for everyone, including little children!

Faith vs. Religion

During one evangelistic festival, I counseled people who called our television program in search of spiritual help. As I prayed on the air with those who wanted to receive Christ, the station manager, standing in the studio, listened intently.

“I don’t understand it,” he said to me as the program signed off. “I attend church every Sunday. I partake of Holy Communion. I confess at the stated times. And yet I have no assurance of eternal life.”

Unfortunately, millions of people share that station manager’s uncertainty. They are trusting their own efforts, especially religious observances, to get them into heaven. They have no peace.

Fortunately, everyone who is a follower of Jesus can know for certain that they have eternal life. In John 5:24, Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes Him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned…”

Do you know someone who is trying to earn God’s favor, especially through religious rituals or by going to church every Sunday? Pray for her and look for opportunities to build a relationship with her. As you do, explain that God loves her and wants a personal relationship with her.

This may be a foreign concept to your friend stuck in the rut of religion and rituals. But, over time, you may see her trust Christ as a result of your friendship and the work of the Holy Spirit in her life.