Loving God
Many people who don’t know the Bible think the chief end of man is “the pursuit of happiness.” But that is not quite what the Bible teaches.
In the Gospel of Mark, the disciples asked Jesus what was the Greatest Commandment. Jesus replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul, and with all your strength; and love your neighbor as yourself.” That, my friend, is “the chief end of man” according to Jesus Christ.
So how do we put that command into practice? The whole idea is that we need to build our love for people. That starts with loving God first. To love the Lord our God isn’t necessarily an emotion, though the emotion usually does follow.
To love the Lord means that we trust Him. We’re focused on Him. We’ve chosen to obey Him. We want His will in our lives. And He is the center of our lives. “We love Him because He first loved us” I John reminds us.
Once we truly start loving the Lord, He will put His love for people in our hearts too. Why don’t you ask the Lord to fill your heart with worship and adoration for Him? As we love the Savior more and more, we also will naturally love other people more and more and perhaps lead some of them to Jesus Christ. Wouldn’t that be the ultimate pleasure? You bet it would!