Evelyn’s Story
A New Way of Thinking
Evelyn Fernandez has an amazing story. This young woman in the Philippines followed God’s leading for her life. There were many men who wanted to marry her. But Evelyn would have none of it. She said, “With all the abandoned children here in our city, why would I get married and have more kids?”
Instead, she wanted to adopt children and bring them up as her own. And that’s exactly what Evelyn did. She became a primary school teacher, and over many years she adopted forty-two children. Wow! 42! And can you believe it? Thirty-eight of those children ended up working for various Christian ministries. Now that’s influence!
Many people you meet measure their worth by comparing themselves to others, never embracing God’s purposes for them. If you know someone like that, remind them that God has a plan for their life. It may not look like anyone else’s plan. Evelyn’s sure didn’t. But it’s His special, tailor-made plan–just for them.
Read them this verse from Psalm 139: it says, “All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Psalm 139 is a fantastic reminder of God’s presence in, and purpose for, our lives. Is there someone you know who needs to hear this truth today? And by the way, have you embraced God’s purpose for your life?