He Calls Us to Go

What the World Needs to Hear

“GO!” That’s a word I’ve heard countless times at missions conferences around the world. In fact, I think almost every missions event we had in Argentina had “Go” as its theme. And it’s a great theme! But I sometimes wonder if we really take that verb to heart in our daily lives. Are we truly “going for it,” when it comes to evangelism? Jesus said in Matthew 28, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

Years ago, I made myself a note in my Bible: “God has not lost his enthusiasm for the Great Commission; have I?” That’s a question we, as Christ-followers, should continually ask ourselves. The Great Commission was the last thing Jesus said on earth because He wanted us to realize its supreme importance!

We often have great enthusiasm for many other things in our churches and small groups. As helpful as these ministries are to a church, they should never take the place of evangelism, evangelism, evangelism! How we fulfill this calling might look different for each of us. But no matter how or where we “go,” let’s keep on sharing the liberating message of Jesus Christ.

Willing Hearts

Some Christians think that they can’t really serve the Lord unless they move to a foreign country. But although some people are called to this, as I was, not everyone is meant to go overseas. The main thing God wants from us is open hearts, ready and willing to serve Him no matter where we are.

Marsha wrote and told me that the Lord has put a burden on her heart for students and all young people. She wants to teach them how to live functional, God-honoring lives. Because of where she lives, she is around many kids who come from very dysfunctional families.
Her heart breaks when she sees these kids with nowhere to go for help. So Marsha’s goal is to start a ministry that will reach these young people, teaching them that Jesus Christ can answer all their needs.

What I love about Marsha’s story is that she’s ministering in the place that God has put her, a difficult, difficult area, and is following the burden on her heart. Romans 12:6 says, “We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.”

What are your gifts, and what tugs at your heart? Whatever it is, ask God to help you move in that direction, to bring hope and healing to the brokenhearted through Jesus Christ and the Holy Word of God, the Bible.

The Prayer of Faith

Krista was a college student at a secular university. She wrote to tell me she’d been praying that God would use her to reach out to non-Christians with His love. But she wasn’t sure how to go about doing it. Well, it didn’t take long for God to answer her prayer in an unexpected way!

One afternoon in her dorm room, Krista was studying while listening to some Christian music. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. A fellow resident wanted to heat up something in her microwave. Krista let her in and the girl made a comment about the music. This opened up a conversation between them about Christian music, religion, and God. Krista then asked the girl if she’d like to join her at church that Sunday, and she accepted!

The Lord can use anything to draw people to Himself. We just have to be prayerful, and open to however He wants to do it. He used a simple thing like Christian music to open the door for Krista to share her faith. So don’t underestimate God. And don’t forget to pray! And keep your eyes open. Remember James 5: “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

Standing Up for Jesus

In secular schools, many Christians are afraid of standing up for what they believe, for fear of being ‘politically incorrect,’ and perhaps even getting fired or expelled. But today’s story is about a young student who decided he was not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ because, as Romans says, “it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.”

So this 18-year-old student, in his last year of high school, did something very bold. He wrote a personal letter to every single student in his school of 3,000 kids! In this letter he told his classmates how much Jesus Christ loves them and wants a personal relationship with them. That is terrific!

Talk about courageous! I love hearing stories of young people risking their reputations for the cause of Christ. Just think of how many classmates this student will see in heaven because he loved them enough to tell them about the Lord in a letter. I hope this story encourages you.

Has God been putting something on your heart that seems bold, and perhaps scary? Has He placed a burden on your heart for a specific individual? If so, pray about it, ask for confirmation, and then go all, go for broke, out for the cause of Jesus Christ!

Malayalam Christian Songs

Today’s Evangelism Tip

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