Entries by Gospel Junction

Andrew Palau: Redeeming the Past

I lived a wild and crazy life before surrendering to Jesus Christ. I was selfish, foolish, and near-sighted. Though I’m certainly not proud of that season, I can see how God used those experiences for His ultimate good. My story has resonated with others. Because of it, they’ve heard the Good News. God does that. […]

The Best Evangelism Tool

God’s Word and His promises were the only things I had to offer when I saw the communist party secretary of Ecuador many years ago. This woman, a bitter revolutionary, came to see me after she’d watched one of our call-in television programs. She cursed me out and proudly described herself as an atheist. She […]

Freedom from Bitterness

Do you know anyone who is being eaten up inside by bitterness? They need to know that forgiveness sets them free. That’s what a European friend of ours learned when the bottom dropped out of her marriage. Eight years ago her husband announced, “I’m tired of you.” And he rattled off all sorts of hurtful […]

The Meaning of Repentance

Did you know that “repentance” is the most positive word in the English language? I never thought of it like that until I heard my friend John Hunter make the claim. We usually think of repentance as a negative, sad, and horrible term. Actually, it’s the greatest term in the world. It’s the doorstep into […]

Sharing in a Crisis

Are you looking for opportunities to share your faith, but don’t know where to begin? Try reaching out to those who are in a time of crisis. That’s what I did when I met Dr. Fernando. He was the Secretary of Defense for the South America Republic, and he had it all. He had an […]