Entries by Gospel Junction

The Best Free Service You’ve Never Used

Zoho isn’t so much a replacement for Microsoft Word as an additional source of fun and useful tools. You may have heard of, but probably don’t use, an online suite of office and productivity applications called Zoho. I know, I know another Web 2.0 wonder application. I mean, what’s the point? You’ve already taken […]

How to edit or remove program sounds?

Are there certain system or program sounds that you want to get rid of or replace with your preferred sounds? For example, if you frequently start and exit certain programs with “welcome sounds,” you may want to disable such sounds to create a more silent environment. Go to the Control Panel (“Start | Settings | […]

Free Malayalam Songs Downloads MP3

Tip for Today Is your computer safe and secure? The programs we’re using are getting more complex while software update cycles are getting shorter. Add the fact that we’re increasingly depending on computers connected to the Internet to this mix and what you have is a recipe for computer bugs and security holes. The good […]