Entries by Gospel Junction

Words with Power

I have a very successful friend named George, who used to be a pretty nasty character. He enjoyed making people uncomfortable. Once he was on a plane trip and a college woman was sitting next to him. Just for the fun of it, George opened up a Playboy magazine right in front of her. She […]

Get to Know Your Neighbors

I know a young man whose parents almost divorced when he was 3 years old. Though this couple had grown up in church, neither of them had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Their marriage was on the rocks and they said that they had “irreconcilable differences.” But, they had a neighbor who was a […]

Movin’ Up

I have a friend who is a successful businessman. He’s successful in many ways. He’s an upstanding citizen in his community and when Wayne told me his story of how he found the Lord he used a phrase I love. He said before he truly gave his life over to God, “I had a relationship […]