Entries by Gospel Junction

Implanted in Our Hearts

I went to a local church in Argentina when I was a teenager. There were always two elderly people who were there very early. They always opened the chapel for the Tuesday and Thursday meetings, which started at 7:30 at night. These people would arrive at 5:00 p.m. They were both illiterate but they knew […]

The Promise

The promise of the Messiah was made hundreds of years before he ever came. There were a few who believed, and they were waiting for Him. Among them were Simeon and Anna. The experts say Simeon was way into his ’80s. And Anna was 84. They were getting pretty old! But they spent every single […]

Fighting the Good Fight

A New Way of Thinking We’ve all heard these phrases: “Fight fire with fire.” “Fight it tooth and nail.” “You’re fighting a losing battle.” There are lots of sayings about fighting. Are you prepared to fight the good fight of faith? Actor Bruce Lee once said, “A fight is not won by one punch or […]

Think About Such Things

A New Way of ThinkingSome studies out there claim that the average Christian spends more time watching television in one evening than he or she spends reading the Bible during the entire week! That’s not smart. Yet, if we want to have biblical thinking, we have to spend more time reading and studying the Bible. […]

Blessed to Be a Blessing

A New Way of Thinking Here’s a great story. In Genesis chapter 12, God tells Abram to pack up his belongings and go to an unknown place. He says to Abram, “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a […]