Entries by Gospel Junction

Lazy Son

It was 5:00 a.m and the father went to his son Shawn’s bedroom door, knocked and said, “Son, it’s time to get up. Jump in the shower and we’ve got to leave ASAP to catch any fish.” Soon it was 5:30 and dad had the coffee brewing, the boat hooked up and he just finished […]

A Thrilling Experience

When God called Abraham to leave his home in Haran and go to a foreign land, Abraham had to take God at his word. Thankfully, he did, because look at the blessings that Abraham and his descendants have received through the centuries! God the Father said, “I will surely bless you. I will multiply you. […]

Cost of a Sermon

One beautiful Sunday morning, a priest announced to his congregation: “My good people, I have here in my hands three sermons…a $100 sermon that lasts five minutes, a $50 sermon that lasts fifteen minutes, and a $10 sermon that lasts a full hour. “Now, we’ll take the collection and see which one I’ll deliver.”

God’s Calling

Has God ever called you to do something that seemed outrageous? He certainly did when he called Abraham to leave his home and go through the desert to the land of Canaan. God told Abraham, “Leave your family and go to the land I’m going to show you.” He was leading Abraham to the Promised […]