Entries by Gospel Junction

Christ’s Ambassadors

If you follow Jesus Christ, you have been set free from the law of sin and death. So, what’s God’s purpose in granting you such freedom? I believe it’s a two-fold plan. First, God set you free because He loves you. He made you in your mother’s womb, and He is crazy about you. No […]

The Kingdom of Darkness

Sometimes, we who are raised in the church treat the Kingdom of Satan like it’s a bunch of foolishness. But the Bible teaches there is a very real enemy of the human race – the thief. He comes only “to steal, to kill, and to destroy.” It’s a sobering truth when you see people under […]

Once I was Blind

In the Gospel of John, Jesus heals a man who was blind from birth. Immediately the disciples ask, “Lord, who sinned — he or his parents that he was born blind?” But Jesus replies, “Neither he nor his parents sinned, but this happened so the glory of God could be revealed.” This passage is such […]

He is Alive

Leading Others Into Freedom Imagine that right now, wherever you’re sitting, you hear the noise of your front door go ‘boom.’ And you turn around and Jesus Christ, Himself, comes into your room. Wouldn’t that be something? He comes to you and says, I want to have dinner with you tonight. What would your response […]

A Personal Relationship

Abigail was 10 years old when she was invited to hear us present the Good News at our London Festival in 1984. She and her family took the train from Wales to the Queens Park Rangers Football stadium. Abigail says she remembers vividly every detail from that night – from the songs that were sung, […]