The Harvest Great, the Workers Few
Our Lord Jesus saw much suffering as he traveled from town to village during his brief time on earth. “The harvest is large,” He told His disciples,”but there are few workers to gather it in.”
David Livingston, one of historys greatest missionaries, decided at the age of six that he would work for the Lords harvest in Africa. A doctor, a scientist, and explorer, he spent his life in Africa in Gods service. “I have seen the smoke of a thousand villages,” he said,”where the word of God has never been.”
The world today remains filled with villages, towns and cities that hunger to hear the Good News. As we Christians grow in our faith, we just cant keep the Good News to ourselves. Jesus gave us the Great Commission in Matthew 28: “Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples.”
God doesnt ask us for heroic actions like those of David Livingston – only that we be obedient and find our own place in the world to be ambassadors for Christ.
I once met a Peruvian lady in, of all places, a reception hosted by the Royal Family in England. She told me she was in Great Britain for one reason – to harvest British souls for Christ!
The Lord had led her halfway around the world because the harvest was great and the workers were few.
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