A New Story

Recently our team got a letter from a young girl – I’ll call her Anne. Anne wrote that her parents had divorced because her mom had been cheating on her dad. Not only did her mom want nothing to do with Anne, but her sister was in the hospital, and her boyfriend had just dumped her.

“My only friends are alcohol and marijuana,” Anne said. “So there’s my story.” It was so sad to read that letter! Can you imagine what she’s been through?

It breaks my heart when I hear about children who come from broken homes. When these kids are neglected and unloved, they can sometimes act out in pretty crazy ways. But deep down what they’re really wondering is, “Does anyone care about me?”

When you see a young person who seems hardened, and perhaps into drugs and drinking, remember that you don’t know their story. Pray for those teenagers who seem the hardest to love. Find ways to connect with them. God says in Isaiah 49, “I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.” That’s a powerful message of God’s love to share with young people.

Through the cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we can offer children like Anne a different ending to their stories. Is there a youth in your life who needs you to reach out to them? Do it today, and point them to Jesus.

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