Better and Better
I am 72 years old. I have belonged to Jesus Christ for 60 years. And do you know what? It keeps getting better every year.
Yes, I personally go through ups and downs, but knowing Him is never a drudgery or “bad.” It is always a blessing and most certainly “good!”
Think of those you know who do not know Jesus. Perhaps a three-year-old child, or a great-grandma next door. It does not matter one’s age.
In light of eternity, eighty years or two days left on this earth is truly nothing! Because Christ-followers will live forever in heaven, our time on earth is insignificant.
But for the time that we DO have here, the days and years can be so much better! Our time here is sweet and rich and full of HOPE when we are growing in a relationship with Jesus Christ.
When you share of the life-saving truth of Christ, you are not just showing concern for where that person will go when they die. You are showing you want to improve their life right NOW, today, on this earth!
While life circumstances may get harder and harder, following Jesus always gets better and better. I guarantee it! This is the truth worth sharing!
This is a great one and I am truly blessed by it. you know sometimes I think we Christains will be better off if we are less selfish with our Great JESUS. it will be much better off if we share. GOD help us all. Love Ya