Forgiving Your Enemies – Sharing with an Atheist

I was discussing religion with my atheist friend, Minister Zhao, in China. He said one thing that was very difficult for him to understand about Christians, is how we can ‘turn the other cheek.’ Mr. Zhao said it is extremely hard to imagine loving and forgiving your enemies.

If we’re honest with ourselves, even Christians have a hard time with this commandment from Jesus Christ. But what I told Mr. Zhao is something you can share with non-believers you know, who may struggle with the same question.

When Jesus commands us to love and pray for our enemies, it’s with the understanding that we can’t do it on our own. We can only accomplish this if we have the indwelling Holy Spirit, who empowers us to forgive those who have hurt us.

In Ephesians we’re told that Jesus Christ gives “incomparably great power for us who believe.”

This is something that non-Christians don’t have, so they really can’t fully forgive their enemies. That’s why it’s so powerful when people watch us forgive those who have hurt us. Our ability to forgive is what sets us apart from the world, and gives glory and honor to Jesus Christ.

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