The Vine and the Branches

In His Word, the Lord gives us vivid pictures of the oneness that believers have with Jesus Christ. These pictures are important to understand when it comes to our role in the Great Commission.

One of my favorite images is found in John 15:5: “I am the true vine,” Jesus says. “You are the branches. If a man remains in me, and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

What does this passage teach us? First, that Christ’s life flows through us. It is the “life of God in the soul of man,” as the old-timers used to say. The life of the vine runs through the branches and makes them alive. The picture here is that you and I are sustained through the vine, which is Jesus Christ.

The second lesson is that fruit can only come out of a life connected to Christ. When you’re in the vine, through a relationship with Jesus, fruit appears in your life. One example of this fruit is the desire and ability to share the Good News with your world.

But remember, you can’t do this on your own. You need to be connected and attached to the vine. Allowing God to flow through you by His Spirit is the only way you can bear fruit for Him — fruit that will last forever — leading someone to Jesus Christ!

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