A Faithful Witness

I want to remind you of an essential truth today: The Good News is an invitation. You may say, “OK, Luis. I already knew that.” But it’s amazing how often we don’t give a clear invitation for people to repent and believe in Jesus Christ. Unbelievers must answer the question, “How am I going to respond to Jesus Christ?”

We need to confront unbelievers as Jesus did, with compassion and love, so they won’t close their hearts to God’s voice. I think sometimes this is the hardest part. Many people who claim to know God approach evangelism by shaming and name-calling—but Jesus never did this. In fact, Jesus offered compassion and love to people long before they came to receive His free gift of salvation! I have found that when people are approached in love, they actually want to know what steps to take to respond to Christ. Often they turn God’s glorious offer down, true, but now at least they know. You did as you were told to do by God the Father.

So be bold. Be persistent. Be faithful to give an invitation. The Lord will give you fruit, and it will be your joy and crown in heaven. Jesus said, “…I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—- fruit that will last…” [John 15:16] The Lord has appointed us to bear fruit for eternity, so let’s be faithful witnesses for Him.

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