An Audience with the King

Do you want to be successful when it comes to evangelism? The secret is spending time alone with God. Psalm 1 says, “Blessed is the man whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water whatever he does prospers.”

God calls each and every one of us to spend time with Him. But sometimes it’s a struggle to find the time, isn’t it? And even the desire, sometimes.

In my home town we have a big church of about 6,000 people. At Easter, they always put a very noticeable ad in the daily newspaper that says, listen, “In honor of his majesty King Jesus, we invite you to come to one of our Easter services to worship Him.”

I love that phrase, ‘In honor of his majesty King Jesus.’ And, every day of our lives, King Jesus is inviting you and me to an audience with Himself. Isn’t that an awesome thought? And it’s true.

It’s more than just a ‘quiet time;’ more than ‘daily devotions.’ It’s an audience with the King of Kings! What could be more exciting and enriching and motivating than that?

If you’re a beginner with Jesus Christ, I recommend two Bible books to get going – the Gospel of St. John and the book of Proverbs.

Why don’t you ask God to help change your perspective on what it really means to spend time with Him. And then, sit down with the King of Kings, meditate on His Word, and you’ll find success in whatever you do – including your evangelistic efforts!

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