Passing On the Blessing

The Elliots are friends of mine who are missionaries in Peru. For the last 16 years they’ve been down on the coast in the city of Trujillo, about a half a million people. Bert and Colleen planted a church there. They’re trying to reach the upper-middle class people in Peru. They told me, “It’s an exciting thing to see God work through the simple teaching of the Word of God. It’s blessed us.”

You can tell when you meet this great, godly couple that they are full of the Spirit of God. It’s running over to other people through them–the grace of God, the truth of God–through lives that are consecrated.

John chapter 1 says, “From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.” We’ve got to pass on those blessings!

Bert says it like this: “Every one of us can drink of God’s fullness. Think of the universe. It’s full of stars. Think of the ocean. It’s full of life. Think of the land. It’s full of life. Think of the church. It needs to be full of Jesus. Think of your life as I think of mine. Let’s drink deeply of the Lord Jesus Christ until it spills over and blesses the people all around us.” Thanks Bert, I couldn’t have said it better myself!

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