Simply Powerful

Bert and Colleen Elliot have spent over 50 years sharing the Good News in Peru. Half of their time was in the jungle and the other half they spent in the mountains. They lived their life traveling. Many times they wondered why the Lord didn’t give them children. They wanted a family. But God knew that they needed to be mobile.

So they spent their time traveling from the jungle to the mountains and then down to the coast-three different zones in Peru. Each one a separate way of life. Everywhere they went the same thing happened, though. They followed contacts and preached the simple Word of God with all the boldness they had.

Bert told me, “I never had a complicated mind. I always muck up on sermons. I just ramble on.” But the Word of God is powerful. The book of Hebrews says, “For the Word of God is living and active.” It gets down to men’s thoughts and the intentions of their heart and it changes us from the inside out. Bert and Colleen preached the Word of God in these different places. And the Spirit of God used it.

You don’t have to have all the right words to win people to Christ. But you do need willingness to follow God’s lead. Be obedient and watch the Spirit of God do mighty things!

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