Love His Appearing

Do you know what it means to ’love the appearing’ of Jesus? The apostle Paul, in 2nd Timothy, says we are waiting for the crown that Jesus will give to all “who love His appearing.”

The ’appearing’ is when Jesus will come back to earth, to take all believers to Heaven with Him. So to love Christ’s return means to long for it, to talk about it, and to tell others about it.

Now, no one knows exactly when Jesus is returning. So it may be easy to become a bit lazy about ’loving His return.’ But, you also don’t know when your own life will end. It could be any day. And when that happens, you’ll be held accountable for your thoughts, words, and actions. The question is: When our time on earth is done, will we be found faithful to Jesus Christ?

We don’t have time to make excuses. Let’s you and I make the most of every day we have here on earth by spreading the Good News. There’s no doubt about it, Jesus is coming back, and He wants to take as many people as possible with Him to Heaven. That’s why He calls us to share His love with people in our world.

Remember, it’s the enduring message of the cross, resurrection, and power of Jesus that changes people forever.

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