Beth’s Story
Do you think that miracles only happened back in biblical times? If you think that, you’re mistaken, my friend. That is simply not true! There is lots of proof of God’s miracles – He is alive and active today!
Beth has a miracle story that she shared with me, and I want to share with you. At just 28 years of age, Beth was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia – a type of blood cancer. She did not know Jesus Christ. She spent 8 months in the hospital and that’s where she came to know Jesus.
She wrote to me and said that her life is now “in the hands of God.” Then, a miracle happened! Beth wrote me and said that she has been Leukemia-free for four years now. That’s a miracle! Thank You, Jesus!
The book of Job tells us that God “performs wonders that cannot be fathomed and miracles that cannot be counted.”
To celebrate His miracles, we must SHARE His miracles. Will you do that today? Tell someone what God is doing in your life. Remind them of His miracles. Your story just may lead them to Christ. What could be better than that?