Blessed to Be a Blessing

A New Way of Thinking
Here’s a great story. In Genesis chapter 12, God tells Abram to pack up his belongings and go to an unknown place. He says to Abram, “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.”

Man, I like that! Many Christians today have a distorted understanding of what makes up purposeful living. Good health, a successful career, a comfortable lifestyle and a happy family. They think, “When I’m happy, God is happy.”

Unfortunately, they’ve lost touch with God’s grand plan. And they are unaware of the biblical reason for blessings. In the passage that we just read, God told Abram that he would make him great so that he would be a blessing to others! In the process, Abram would be fulfilled (most of the time). And, when we live for Christ and give to others, we are filled with joy in the process!

Think about all God has given you. Good health? A great family? Wisdom? Physical strength? Whatever it is, ask the Lord how you can use those things to be a blessing – to help others.

I know a young guy who’s gifted with physical strength. He looks for opportunities to bless others by helping them move. What a great way to put the love of Christ into action! So if you want to be blessed then be a blessing to others.

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